UK artist Neave Zaria releases ‘You Saved Me’
‘You Saved Me’ was released in May. The beautiful song is accompanied by a video shot on the streets of Shoreditch in London, UK. It was inspired by a meeting with an individual whose positive inspiration pulled her out of a tough time in her life. The song is also another powerful and emotional showcase for her soulful voice, which has been compared to Adele. Neave is continuing to record material and has several more songs lined up for release over the coming months, with an EP due in the autumn.
Neave is an emerging star from just outside London
She’s been performing from a very young age and has been creating quite a buzz to industry ears- so much so that she was invited to attend X Factor Bootcamp aged just 14. Despite the producers’ attempts to change her mind. Neave turned it down to experience other ‘life’ adventures. She has no regrets and hasn’t looked back. Releasing her debut single ‘If I See You’ in March 2020: the track was playlisted all around the world and has chalked up an amazing 40K streams and over 70k views on YouTube.
A unique trademark smoky soulful voice
Neave was a musical prodigy from a very young age singing for family and friends for many years and developing her unique trademark smoky soulful voice. Young Neave aspired to be a great vocalist and the likes of great female artists such as Amy Winehouse had a profound effect on her – as she says herself: “I can remember singing along to Amy when I was about 7 or 8, she had one of the greatest female voices I’ve ever heard. It still gives me goosebumps now. I want my music to inspire people like the great singers inspired me. I want to touch people emotionally because that’s what music is to me, it’s a language of the soul”.

Interview with Neave Zaria
Neave Zaria is a unique vocal talent and unquestionably a star in waiting. I asked her some questions to learn more about her music, her single You Saved Me and life in London.
How would you describe your music?
I suppose it’s classic pop with a soul. People mention Adele a lot when they first hear me but my main influence was Amy Winehouse, so maybe somewhere in between the two.
Can you tell me about You Saved Me and what it means to you?
It was written about a rough time in my life, which I thought I would never get out of. Until I met someone who inspired me with their positivity. It wasn’t a partner or lover either, so it’s not a breakup or love song in the traditional sense.
Can you tell me a bit more about your own personal journey?
I haven’t journeyed anywhere lately. I’ve been stuck at home! I just know I need to follow my heart and do what I know I do best. Despite how hard that is. I’m a singer, so I need to sing. It’s taken me a few years to realise this, but working with Chas my producer has given me a lot of confidence and cemented the idea in my head now, this is what I’m going to do

What/who has inspired your music and career to date?
Amy Winehouse, Etta James, Nina Simone, the classics really. Love JJ Smith at the moment.
Your aim is to make herself, and her fans, feel as though they do not need to apologise for who they are and to find peace and love within oneself. What are your top tips for this?
Always follow your heart, and do what makes you happy. Success is about creative fulfilment, not money. Although a few quid wouldn’t go a miss at the moment.

What’s been the highlight of your music career?
My first release, and all the positive feedback I received from it. Very inspiring.
How has lockdown life been for you so far?
Extremely boring, and very frustrating, I can’t go to the studio and find it difficult to write at the moment as there is little going on to write about. But there are many more a lot worse off.
What are your favourite things about living in London?
I’m on the outskirts, but London is the greatest city in the world, it’s so alive and the music and entertainment scene is fantastic. Best restaurants in the world now too (IMO )
What is your top tip for living your best life?
Follow your heart ( see question 5!)
What are your ambitions and plans for the future?
To be able to earn my living doing what I love. We’ve got plans to tour next year if circumstances allow, so that would be very exciting. Would love to do some festivals, so watch this space!