Benefits of a hobby
So much of our time is taken up with work and living. Hobbies often fall by the wayside. My Grandfather always told me that I should get a hobby when I moved to the city. Despite loving music, art, writing. As soon as I started a career, I didn’t seem to be able to find the time to do anything else anymore. I even stopped writing for magazines when I moved to London, which is what I loved the most. My days would be filled up with work and going out.

5 hobbies to start today
With the stresses of modern living, our main focus is usually working, relationships and living. Any spare time filled up with Instagram and Whatsapp. Perhaps you might find time for reading or gaming.
It’s important to invest in yourself. You may have a talent, which you no longer use. Or there is always something you have wanted to do but are too nervous to try out.
One of the things that makes me happy is writing. It has only been in the last year or so that I started photography. A hobby should be something you enjoy, that can also bring you some sort of satisfaction or fulfilment.
As part of the New Year, New You. Think about what hobby you can either take up or invest in. Here are 5 ideas to inspire you.

1. Photography
Your phone is the best camera you have on the move. I have my own Instagram page for my photos – most of which are taken by my iPhone. All you need is your phone to take out with you to the city. Start taking pics today!.
Start up costs: FREE

Workshops: If you are serious about photography it is worth saving up to participate in a course or photography workshop. I have decided to sign up for the Portrait Photography Workshop in London with photographer Louise Paton taking place on Saturday 16th February 2019 at the National Portrait Gallery.
Costs: £60 for the day

2. Writing / Blogging
What I love about the rise of blogging is that lots of people are building on their writing and photography skills. Many of you may have a blog already but if you want to get started all you need is to buy yourself a domain and hosting plan. You may also want to add a theme to get started.
Start-up costs: Domain & hosting plan

3. Learn to dance
Love Strictly Come Dancing? Then why not take up dance lessons this month. Not only will it keep you fit, but it is good to get out and have fun!
I have tried Burlesque at City Lit and Salsa Classes at City Academy whilst living in London. Dancing is something you can do with a partner, friend or even by yourself. Even Zumba which is taught all over London is fun and will keep you fit this year!

4. Try bakery classes
Baking is also HOT RIGHT NOW with the popularity of British Bake Off not waning. London has some of the world’s best bakeries. Whether you want to learn how to cook bread or cupcakes, sign up today for a bakery class. Read our article on 5 great baking classes in London.

5. Life drawing
Art was one of my favourite subjects at school. Living in the city is amazing for visiting galleries – many of which are Free. The Barbican, Portrait Gallery and the V&A Museum are just some of the many fabulous galleries in London.
If you fancy a go at life drawing yourself. There are many places in London to choose from. Try looking at some of these for inspiration: Holborn Life Drawing, Covent Garden Life Drawing, Yoga Life Drawing, London Drawing.