I ♥ Sundays
For anyone who lives and works in the city, it’s important to take some time out to rest and recuperate. I have been working on a series of events recently, which has left me exhausted! So I have had to make sure that this weekend I have some time out to rest up.
If you follow Broke Girl in the City at all, you might have noticed I absolutely love all of the days of the year, which celebrate something. So today, I decided to dedicate this blog to #ZeroTaskingDay.

Daylight Savings Time
Historically, Daylight Savings Time was originally created as the times you worked and the times you took care of personal needs were all tied directly to the daylight hours. So it was decided that changing all the clocks at the same time on the same day would provide an additional hour of light hence the clocks going backward.
How will I use the Extra Hour?
Let’s dedicate an hour today to doing something really lovely and relaxing for ourselves. Some valuable ‘me’ time, which is nurturing for our bodies and soul. I am currently writing my blog, but I don’t ever see that as work or a task. I always do my weekend chores on a Saturday morning (go me!) and am cooking a roast dinner whilst I write this with Ariana Grande & Mac Miller on repeat (I do play songs on repeat still).

So the hour I am going to dedicate to myself?
I am going to finish this blog, eat dinner and then watch the MTV Awards after a long shower & pampering session.
I thought I would dedicate today to catch up on writing some blog posts, some shopping and general life ‘stuff’. On reflection, I decided today was the day I would do things I value and also pamper myself a little.
If you could do anything today to reward yourself with this extra time – not to work but to rest and rejuvenate – what would it be?

Ideas for Zero Tasking Day
Use the hour of daylight savings time to take an hour out of today. Do something that makes YOU happy. Look after YOU. Relax. Breathe. Be happy.
Read your favourite book
Take a relaxing bubble bath
Sit in a park for a while by your own
Write a blog
Listen to your favourite music
Phone someone who makes you happy
Go out and take some photos
Go back to bed for an hour