10 reasons why it’s great being single at Christmas
It’s fantastic to be single at Christmas. You can do what you want. When you want. You can spend time with your friends. Go out partying or stay late at work. The choice is yours and yours alone. So if you are lamenting not having a significant other at Christmas or just want further affirmations on why single life is best. Check out our 10 reasons why it’s been great being single at Christmas.
1. It’s cheaper!
I am pretty rubbish at buying Christmas presents. When you are faced with the dilemma of buying a loved one a Christmas present, it is even worse. The gift needs to be thoughtful. Loving. So this year thank your lucky stars that the only person you need to buy something special for…is you.

2. You can do whatever you want
‘Tis the season to be jolly. Which means doing what you want. When you want. Your friends asked you out last minute to a party? There is no-one to check in with. Go! Do you want to stay out all night? You have no-one to go home to or check-in with. Do it! Christmas is now about doing what you want. When you want.
3. The work Christmas Party
You know that despite all good intentions. You will want to stay out at your work office party. So this year. You can stay out as long as you want, with who you want. Just behave yourself so you have a job to go back to!
4. Being single is good for you
Sometimes you need to be single to learn how to love and get to know yourself. For years I hated spending time on my own. I always wanted to be out and doing something. Now, I love time by myself. Listening to my music. Not his. Writing blogs whenever I want to. Not when he says I can have a few minutes to myself. It’s easy to lose yourself in relationships so use this time to form a great relationship with yourself.

5. Spend more time with friends
When you have another half, you tend to spend most if not all of your time with them. The exciting romantic stage transforms into some sort of domestic idyll. Weeks go by before you realise you haven’t caught up with your friends. So being single is a time when you can spend all of your time with friends. Go out to dinner. Drinks. Rekindle all of your relationships with people who probably have missed you whilst being in a relationship!
Spend more time with my friends
Ariana Grande
I ain’t worried ’bout nothin’

6. Time for self-care
Whether you want to eat a whole box of chocolates. Or spend hours in a warm bubble bath. You can spend the Christmas season looking after YOU. There’s no need to worry about anyone else. You don’t have to spend your time going out and partying. Spend an evening reading, writing your blog. Face masks and bubble baths. It’s not selfish. It’s self-care.

7. Do something you are proud of
When you are in a relationship your time is precious. You are either at work or racing home to be with your other half. If you are not living together; you still need to get home, cook, then call or message. So why not spend this Christmas volunteering. I have been working on creating a Foodbank Advent Calendar, which I have been filling with food each day. I am going to take it to Camden at the weekend. Many charities are looking for volunteers this festive season, so why not give back this Christmas.

8. The remote control is all yours
When you are in a relationship you spend most of your time negotiating what to watch. No doubt the reason why series such as The Game of Thrones is so successful (apart from the fact it is crack TV). You can settle on something to watch together for the duration of the series. However, this Christmas you can watch whatever you want. Legally Blonde? Breakfast at Tiffany’s? The battle of the remote control is yours.

9. You can focus on your career
Deadlines are mounting and you may from time to time have to stay late or go in early. Then there are after-work drinks. The best way to get to know work colleagues is when you stay after work and chat through the day and get to know one another. Thursday Club is where we all have fun and spend time with each other. It’s difficult to find a supportive and understanding partner who is flexible. However, this is YOUR life, YOUR career. It’s time to put YOU first.

10. Christmas Day is with family
I will always spend Christmas with my family. My mother doesn’t see me for much of the year, so it’s the one time I get to spend time with her. Christmas is for being with your own family. Unless I have kids. Which isn’t going to happen. I will always go home for Christmas. Yet this has often caused conflict in relationships. So this Christmas. I will be with my family.