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The Biggest Worries of 2023 and What to Do
Whenever things are about to look up, bad things happen. And it never rains, but it pours. The past three years have undoubtedly been some of the worst in human history. And although the worst of COVID is over, there are still some major worries about 2023 as the year progresses.
General Health and Wellbeing
The global pandemic cost the lives of almost 7 million people. And while this figure is shocking, it also helped highlight some of the social crises that are out of control. And one of these is our overall well-being. Isolation and loneliness, especially for vulnerable people, can be as bad as any major health risk and causes stress and anxiety. However, you can use hypnotherapy for anxiety, keep yourself in touch with friends and family and practice mindfulness methods.

The Worries of 2023 Include the Cost of Living
From the lower working classes to the upper middle, people struggle to pay for food, education and quality of life. A survey conducted in the UK found that 93% of people have reported year-on-year increases since 2020. Most commonly, these are food, energy and fuel. To help combat this, there are several things you can do. For example, you can cut non-essentials, be smart with energy use, substitute food items, or shop around where you can.

Loans, Saving and Mortgages
Missing mortgage payments puts your home at risk. And this can cause a huge amount of stress. This is only worsened by increased rates showing no sign of slowing down. The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England appear to be making it up as they go along. Meaning 25% of people borrow more to keep up in a never-ending cycle of loans. However, it is best to try to use your savings instead, or you just further increase your monthly outgoings.
Constant Strike Action
As if things weren’t being disrupted enough, industrial action in countries like the UK and France is causing misery for millions. Especially for those who need support in the public sector. In strikes not seen since the 1970s, doctors, nurses, and even airport staff are refusing to work over pay affecting dependants, increasing costs and reducing child education. There isn’t much you can do about this except take notes of strike dates and make arrangements for the day.

Energy Bills, Of Course
The biggest issue this year has been the rising cost of energy bills. This was made worse since energy suppliers had the great idea to increase costs just as we hit one of the coldest winters on record. Fortunately, there are some easy you can lower your energy bills:
- Turn down your thermostat a few degrees; around 20 degrees is enough for most.
- Use your washer or dryer eco modes or wash and dry at a lower temperature.
- Invest in low-energy devices such as an air fryer and microwave. They really do save.
- Reduce your shower and bathing time by a few minutes to save a bit of energy.
- Keep your house warm by checking for drafts and cold spots, and sealing them up.
- Address dampness, mould and condensation, and get in touch with your landlord.
- Unplug or switch things off when you aren’t using them or aren’t at home.
Making small changes like these can add up to big savings. For example, you can save around 1% daily for each degree you turn down your thermostat. Meaning you can save around 10% on your yearly heating costs. However, most of these are dependent on your situation.
Supply Chain Issues and Shortages
There have been ongoing supply chain issues since before the pandemic. But COVID and lockdowns made them much worse. And essentially caused backlogs that will take years to sort out. This has had a ripple effect across many sectors, such as food supply, electronics and healthcare. As a result, some businesses have even been lost, and jibs wiped out. To get around shortages, it always helps to try to look for alternatives wherever it is possible.
Staple Food Uncertainty
As mentioned, there have been some food shortages. Supply chain issues have played a role in this. But the war in Ukraine and other world problems have made it worse. Because of this, it is estimated that around a quarter of people have had food shortages in the UK and other countries. This has affected supermarkets and food banks that rely on them. However, it helps to stock up on staples, adjust your usual shopping habits and look out for good food deals.
Net Zero Targets are Among the Biggest Worries of 2023
All of the major targets toward Net Zero are going to be missed. Anyone can see that coming. And the latest great idea from Brussels concerning e-fuels all but confirms it. This is a major slap in the face of the general public while key governments sit on their laurels as usual. This also raises many health concerns, such as those caused by car fumes. But for now, continue to reduce waste, carbon emissions and plastics as you play your part for the world.
World War Three
Finally, but by no means least, we have the constant threat of war. While we feel that there isn’t much we can do about this, we can do our part by supporting Ukraine in its time of need. It is incredibly sad to switch on the news and see that the war continues to destroy lives.
Just when it was looking like the world was heading towards a new era of prosperity at the start of 2020, we were robbed. The pandemic struck. And now we are in a freefall of global crises. Some worries of 2023 include overall health, rising energy and food costs and world war three.