Since I started Broke Girl in the City, I haven’t left it more than a week or so without writing a blog post or at least doing something to touch the site in some way.
Until recently, that is, when things in my life decided to get a bit full on.
I got a new job!
This would have been exciting had it not been for the fact this coincided with the breakdown of my relationship.
As it soon became evident this happily ever after was not to be. I had to think of a Plan B really quickly!
A mini holiday
So, I decided to give myself a little blogging holiday. I focussed my attention and energy on my new job. I moved in with my best friend whilst I looked for my own flat. I went to bed early in the evenings and didn’t look at my blog for a couple of weeks.
Blogger life
Sometimes we just need to accept that as much as we love blogging, life can just get in the way sometimes. Unfortunately I became quite poorly recently and had to rest up. Even then I just couldn’t face writing. Something I had once loved, my blog, just lost its appeal as I had no energy. I was also conscious not to post anything negative too!
Give yourself a break
Broke Girl in the City was set up to provide others top tips on having a fabulous lifestyle in the city whilst broke. However it was also designed to provide support, where I could. Which is why I finally have shared this story with you. Living in the city is hard sometimes. It’s important to give yourself a break when life gets a bit tough xxx
Tips for getting your mojo back
Get back into a routine – Ok, the word ‘routine’ may sound boring. It’s important to create one that suits you. Whether you can sneak in a few minutes each morning or whether you can dedicate one Sunday a week, find something that you feel comfortable with so it doesn’t feel like a chore. Blogging should be fun too!
Touch your blog in some way – When I couldn’t find the energy to write, I decided to try and touch my website in some other ways. I set up an office 365 account. Tweaked some of the categories. Updated my social media accounts. You can touch your blog in many ways. Just do something.
Be social – I try to post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram even when I am not writing. Each day Twitter will be trending with some news item or topic. I use Canva to create assets for my social media platforms, when I am running a competition or want to refresh the creative.
Find your tribe – I decided to look for other people writing the same things as me so I joined personal finance the UK Money Bloggers group. Everyone inspires me. Treating myself to a subscription to Blogospheremagazine helps look at what else is going on in this space. Find your tribe.
Inspire yourself – I use my iPhone mostly, but I have challenged myself to develop my photography skills as a fun way to make my content more engaging. Following other photographers on Instagram helps to look at ways other people document the city in which they live. Be inspired.
Music – oh yes. I just played my favourite tunes over and over again over the last few weeks (I love to hear stuff on repeat!). if you are wondering what the connection is between blogger burnout and Calvin Harris, I play this when I need to hear something uplifting and the video reminds me of being in ibiza!
Let us know how you deal with blogger burnout…?
Suffering from general burn out, then why not read this?