You can’t have a Christmas special without looking at how we can all look and feel our best throughout Christmas party season.

5 Top Tips for surviving Christmas Party Season
Christmas Party Season is fully underway. It’s important for us Broke Girls in the City to look after ourselves so that we can work and party through this season without it breaking us or the bank.

Christmas means that there will be so many opportunities to go out all of the time. Late nights will take their toll so make sure you do have some nights in to rest! Drinking also means that your sleep will be interrupted. I always seem to awake at 4 am which apparently is when your body sugar level drops. So make sure that you get some sleep over the Christmas period.

Stay hydrated
I hate drinking water as a rule. I drink red bulls, copious amounts of coffee and also Prosecco but have to force myself to drink water. Make sure you stay hydrated by sipping water throughout the day. I also try not to forget to order a glass of water as well as Prosecco in the evenings too.

Eat well
If I am working hard and partying, then I do have the tendency to forget to eat. I try to eat breakfast and have lunch with my colleagues. However, once I am out then I generally don’t eat. I usually take multi-vitamins during the Christmas period. However, nothing beats actually eating properly. So, try to graze throughout the day and eat something healthy now and again too!

Pamper yourself
I absolutely love bubble baths. It’s the one place I can relax, switch off and feel totally relaxed. Epsom salts are fantastic as magnesium is soaked up in the body. You need to look and feel good during the Christmas party season. So this weekend – I am having a pampering day, with face packs, bubble bath and hair treatment! Oh yes…and I must do my nails.

Emergency bag
Over Christmas, you need a bag of essentials to get you through party season. This will include makeup essentials such as your mascara, eyeliner and a bit of lippy. You also should include a spare pair of tights for those nights out. You may also want to keep some spare clothes in your drawer should you not quite make it home! I also carry a mobile charger wherever I go. The last thing you want is to not be able to order a cab at the end of the night because your mobile battery is flat. A girl always needs to be prepared.