“Skaterpark” is available now
Album “BEYOND BLUE” released later this year
N.Y.C. based Australian guitarist and singer/songwriter Robert Gaylard a.k.a. lead singer-songwriter in The Nomadic brings a unique perspective and vision when it comes to creating music by fusing alternative rock tinged by the blues & electronic pop. The band’s forthcoming album “Beyond Blue” will be released in July 2021; the first single from the album Skaterpark is the vibey, fondly reminiscing,
Rob’s inspiration and passion for starting The Nomadic began early on as a child after travelling to many countries like Myanmar (formerly Burma), Singapore and the Solomon Islands. His “nomadic” lifestyle continued into his adulthood. When he began to work for the United Nations in various countries such as Kenya, Somalia, the Sudan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Israel and Palestine. His travels eventually brought him to New York in September of 2012. Motivating him to pursue his dream of establishing an indie rock band. The Nomadic was born.
In 2019, Rob took a year’s leave of absence from the U.N. to focus on his musical passion and specifically on songwriting and live performance. In doing so The Nomadic perfected its unique genre-mashing sound by seamlessly and expertly blending alternative rock, blues with hints of Americana and pop. The band released its debut single “Drifting” in September 2019, “Waiting” followed in April 2020 with “Beyond Blue” and. “Manhattan View” both released in June of that year.

“Skaterpark” is co-written with nephew Guy Stonor
The forthcoming album “Beyond Blue” will be released in July 2021 and is heavily influenced by artists like Oasis, Coldplay, Radiohead, The Verve, Bruce Springsteen, Phosphorescent, The War on Drugs, Arizona and The 1975. The songs all relate heavily to the band’s experience travelling around the world and is influenced by numerous cultures and ways of life. Not only that, they advocate for issues of social action and innovation, human rights, support for minorities. As well as doing the next right thing. Including the idea that it is never too late, including for people to follow their dreams and passions.
The new single“Skaterpark” is a track that Rob is particularly excited about as it is very different to the band’s previous musical output. It was co-written by his nephew Guy Stonor who at 17 years old is already an incredibly talented bass player, songwriter, and producer. He approached Rob on a family holiday in Australia and mooted the idea of collaborating on a song together. It didn’t take Rob long to enthusiastically agree – and the results are amazing!
The song encourages the listener to ‘deep dive’ into childhood memories and re-experience the carefree, fun times you had with friends. The suggestion is: maybe that joy can be reignited in the present day too? If our experience over the last year of lockdowns has taught us anything it is to reach out to one another and cherish memories made, reminisce and laugh, as well as looking to make new memories in the future? As Rob says emphatically, “I would encourage all listeners to think back to childhood, adolescence and/ or early adulthood! Can you think back to your earliest, best friend? Perhaps reminisce on the times you spent together, the fun you had, the memories you shared! Are you still in contact today? If not, would you consider reaching out to see how they are doing?..”

Interview with Robert Gaylard
Q1. Robert Gaylard – you are the lead singer-songwriter in The Nomadic. Can you describe your music to us?
I would say it’s definitely indie rock! There’s probably a lot of 90s brit pop in there! Some songs are more country/ folk, but overall indie rock is the best description! There have been some comparisons to artists like Oasis, Radiohead, The Verve, Bruce Springsteen, Phosphorescent, The War on Drugs, Arizona and the 1975.
Q2. You have just released “SKATERPARK“. The single is about fondly reminiscing childhood friendships and experiences and how we can bring those joyful times into the present. What inspired you to write it?
The song is mostly about reminiscence, nostalgia. It’s a classic guy meets girl song that happens to be at a skater park. Back to a time when they were both young and innocent, and only had to worry about the time they had to be home!
Q3. You co-wrote the song with your nephew Guy Stonor who is a talented bass singer, songwriter and producer. How was it working together on this?
It was great! Initially when he said “hey let’s write a song” I thought it would just be a quick jam session! But very quickly we came upon the chord structure, started playing around with some lyrics, and it just clicked really well! And Guy – like his brother Alex and sister Libby – is so talented and has the world at his feet! Kids these days!!
Q4. Skaterpark video is based in Manhattan, New York which you sing about. Can you talk about your experiences of the city and why it formed the base of your song?
New York is simply the most amazing city! You can see it forms the backdrop to most of our videos! (see drifting, waiting, Beyond Blue, Manhattan View). It is a place where you can do anything you want, chase your dreams etc! I love the fact that whatever your hobby, passion is- you can achieve it here!

Q5. “Skater-park” will be followed up by the forthcoming album “Beyond Blue” will be released in July 202. What can we expect from this album?
I think you can expect a great set of Nomadic tunes! Hopefully, as well listeners will hear different styles of songs. From the catchy/ poppy Drifting, Waiting, Beyond Blue, to the melancholic “Manhattan View” to the upbeat country/ rock of Walk the Streets, to Jeannie, (a tribute to my grandmother) Skaterpark, and then a few songs listeners haven’t heard yet! “Under a Georgia Sky”, “Grand Mistakes” and “My mind is racing”
Q6. How has this past year under lockdown been for you?
It has been hard to not be playing live. To be locked down in my apt, to not be able to do some of the stuff I love doing! Team sports etc! Also not being able to play live has been hard. Although I have been able to release songs on Spotify and YouTube and set up a Saturday live stream starting on Sat 17th April!
I am grateful for all the things I do have and very cognisant of all the front line workers, and people who have lost jobs, incomes, loved ones etc. Of course, my heart goes out to all those people. Every day I try to count my blessings and stay grateful!
Q7. What are the 3 things you can’t wait to do again, which you haven’t been able to do this past year?
Play live music, go to the cinema, play and watch team sports!

Q8. You also have an important role working for the United Nations, focusing on humanitarian issues, which is incredible. Can you talk a little about what you are working on?
As the Head of the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) Underfunded Emergencies Window (UFE), my responsibilities include: (i) oversight of the timely allocation of humanitarian funding to global crises, including protracted conflict and natural disasters; (ii) strategic vision for and leadership of a team of 14 programme management officers, in the review of applications and reports, production of guidelines and best practices, and overall data management; (iii) ongoing development of innovative policy initiatives, enhanced training and capacity building of UN partner agencies, streamlining and improvement of application processes, and efficient coordination among partners.
I also led coaching sessions with individual members of my team and oversaw a series of positive psychology interventions with staff to build morale during COVID-19. Also, the introduction of primary coaching techniques including “GROW”, wellbeing and strengths assessments, values clarification, and visioning using Letter from the Future and Best Possible Self.
I served as a Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-Racism Focal Point, and undertook training in Effective Humanitarian Leadership in preparation for a potential Senior Leadership role within the UN.
Achievements have included: (i) an increase in 2020 UFE allocations to a record US$225m, through an enhanced confidence in the UFE process and effective outreach to existing and potential member state donors; (ii) the introduction of special earmarking of funds specifically for projects on women and girls, education in emergencies, disabilities and other aspects of protection; (iii) enhanced training for UN agency partners in using CERF. Together with better coordination among humanitarian actors with an emphasis on joint needs analyses and accountability to affected populations, and complementarity with another humanitarian, peacebuilding, development and multilateral funding sources; and (iv) improved staff engagement and morale due to investment in coaching and positive psychology interventions.
Q9. What is your top tip for living your best life?
- Be yourself, be authentic, be kind to everyone you meet!
- Be grateful for where you are, and enjoy the journey, not the destination
- Don’t let anyone else define success for you! Work out what ‘success’ means for you- and pursue that goal!
- Do at least 3-5 things every day that support your goal!
- Be kind, be grateful, be forgiving of others!
Q10. What are your plans and ambitions for the rest of 2021?
Lots of exciting projects are coming up, which include the following:
Release of new single “Under a Georgia Sky”
Firstly, we are looking forward to the release of upcoming single “Under a Georgia Sky” which is coming out on the 4th of June! The song tells the story of love, loss, forgiveness and reconciliation “Under a Georgia Sky” and we are really proud how it has come out!
Standby for presave information for the chance to win some merch!
Release of the album “Beyond Blue”
Later in the year – in early to mid-September – we will be releasing the first album “Beyond Blue” which will feature all the singles released to date (Drifting, Waiting, Beyond Blue, Manhattan View, Jeannie, Walk the Streets, Skaterpark) plus Under a Georgia Sky, Grand Mistakes and My Mind is Racing.
Follow us on spotify to stay up to date!
The Nomadic- Acoustic Sessions:
We will also be releasing a series of “Acoustic Sessions” of Nomadic songs. Plus some covers of artists we like – every second Friday, from 16 April onwards! You will certainly be hearing some Nomadic songs- off the upcoming album as well as future releases. As well as some Oasis, Radiohead, Coldplay, Bruce Springsteen, Phosphorescent, and many others!
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel to check these out!
Launch of a weekly livestream, Saturdays at 8pm:
We will also be doing a weekly livestream “This Nomadic Life” which will start on Saturday April 17th at 8pm and will be running every Saturday! Come by, hang out, meet other Nomadic fans online!
We are also setting up a new website “wearethenomadic.com” and here you will be able to listen to our latest releases, check out upcoming events, and buy some cool new Nomadic merch!