Merry #Blogmas

Merry #Blogmas

I am not a huge fan of Christmas. I usually find this time of year incredibly stressful. Lots of going out means spending lots of money. I have often caught the office lurgy by now too. Then there’s spending even more money on Xmas presents and travelling home.

So this year I thought I would embrace Christmas. If the Grinch can do it, then so can I. To celebrate I am going to join a blogging festive tradition and bring you our Broke Girl in the City’s #Blogmas.

It can be incredibly expensive living and partying in the city. However, if I know anything that’s how to have a good time. So I am going to share not only Xmas ideas with you. I am going to provide those essential tips on how to get through party season without losing your job or dignity or draining your bank account.

The Advent Calendar

The one Christmas tradition I can’t do without. I have a great Galaxy chocolate advent calendar this year and also have been given a beauty one by one of my amazing beauty blogger friends. Life can’t get much better than this!

Bomb Cosmetics Christmas 2018 | The Bomb Advent Calendar

24 whole days of Bomb love with this Bomb Advent Calendar, filled to the brim with a mix of favourite soaps and bath bombs to get you in a fizzy festive mood. Best thing is that it’s not that expensive either. Currently £12.95 on

Chocolate Advent Calendars

I am a huge fan of Poundland when it comes to buying Easter Eggs, Birthday Cards and Christmas decorations/gifts. Where else can you find Christmas Advent Calendars for only £1! Every year I head to Poundland to pick up lots of Christmassy items.


Money blogger Andy Webb set up this amazing campaign. Rather than taking something out of a box, you put something in, which you then take to your local food bank. Whilst this blog is about how we broke girls can survive in the city. I am a firm believer also in helping others wherever possible. So this year I am going to start collecting something each day for the #FoodBankAdvent.

Christmas can be incredibly stressful for those who are struggling financially. Andy Webb has suggested finding a local food bank through the trussell trust. My local is in Euston or Camden so I am going to contact them to find out what they may be short on before donating my #FoodBankAdvent.

As Andy Webb advises, the idea is to start as early as possible so that food banks are not swamped on Xmas Eve. So I am going to double up and put in two items each day with the view to then donating earlier. You may want to give yourself a heads start and add a couple of items today to kickstart the month.