Power of Three

Power of Three – February 2022

Introducing the Power of Three – February 2022

Each month, I am going to focus on improving three things in my life, called the ‘Power of Three.” Whether that’s my finances, career, lifestyle or general happiness. I am going to suggest something each month, and also take you along this journey with me.

I use this communication in my marketing to create simplicity, balance and engagement. It’s important to keep things simple.

What is going to be your focus this month?

Self worth - Power of Three

1. Self-love and self-worth is the focus for this month

Self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth. We all want to feel great about ourselves, but where do you look for your own value and sense of self-worth? Through your work, appearance, your relationships, or your family or yourself?

This month I intend to focus this month on self-worth. 

What is self-worth?

I found this great explanation, which I wanted to share with you all in Healthy Place. ‘Self-worth is the belief that you are loveable and valuable regardless of how you evaluate your traits. In this way, your self-esteem could hit rock bottom, yet you still hold onto the notion that you have innate worth. This is important. When you don’t feel good about yourself, this doesn’t mean, of course, that you are no longer valuable. So you need a form of positive self-perception that acts as a crutch to keep you stable when your self-esteem fluctuates (as it inevitably does for everyone).’

How to stop seeking external validation

My feelings of self-worth have often been linked to my achievements, and subsequently my jobs. I was always a high-achiever at school, but this often meant that I was praised for achieving high grades, and subsequently, my grades had to be perfect otherwise people were disappointed in me.

If you place your self-worth in someone else’s hands, whether this is a job or relationship. You will come crashing down if they don’t work out. Something I have been guilty of, and also I am sure this will resonate with many of you too. Relationships may make us feel beautiful, wanted and desired, but seeking external validation through other people, can also lead to co-dependency and sometimes even abusive relationships. So this month I intend to re-evaluate and focus on building a healthy sense of self-worth.

Mental Health can distort our sense of self-worth

Depression and anxiety, as well as other mental health illnesses, can adversely affect our sense of self-worth. The harsh inner critic often says the unkindest things at a time when we need the most compassion and empathy. If you feel worthless, a burden and are locking yourself away from the world. It’s important to create a sense of self-worth that reminds you that you are lovable, even at times when you don’t feel lovable at all. Think of a rescue plan. Confide in a handful of friends or professionals. You are enough the way you are.

Tell me how!?

What are the ‘Power of Three’ things you want to do in February? #powerofthree

Friends Power of Three

2. Rediscover my friends

With COVID and months of shielding, I have rarely spent time with friends. So February is going to be the month of self-love, and rediscovering friends who I also love. I am guilty of going quiet when life gets busy and stressful. So this February, I intend to make plans with friends this year and re-invest my time in my friendships.

The Diary of a CEO

February started on a high. I bought 2 tickets to see Steven Bartlett’s ‘The Diary of a CEO’ and did a shout out on Facebook asking if anyone wanted to join me. An old friend from school Chloe responded who I haven’t seen in years, and she is going to travel from where I grew up in Wales to meet me! So exciting.

Printworks – The Return

Stanton Warriors, Andy C, Tall Paul, Seb Fontaine, Freestylers and Mr C are all legends to me, and I love my dance music! So another date in the diary is a night at Printworks – one of my favourite clubs in London with Amber planned for my birthday month. CAN’T WAIT!

Health Power of Three

3. Health and healing

Recently my back and shoulder completely locked, and I was in quite a bit of pain. I thought it was just sitting still for hours at a time, and not moving. Rather than booking another massage, I decided to book an appointment to see a chiropractor.

Two old injuries were still causing me problems, which had been aggravated recently by hours of working and not moving around. This was a huge wake-up call, to stop ignoring my health. I have been waking up during the night in pain but trying to power through. I am not someone who can cope with little sleep for sustained periods of time.

So this month I am investing in myself and my health. Going for any check-ups and building up my physical, not just mental health.

Top Tips Header

Power of Three – Top Tips

So how did I do in January? I chose to pay off my credit card debts in full, focus on positive mental health and get a balanced life.

I successfully paid off my credit cards, PayPal credit account and even started saving £100 a week as part of my savings challenge to hit £5,000 by the end of the year. Result! I have my savings on standing order, which go into a separate bank account so I can’t touch it, and it’s great to see it start to grow! With ‘awful April’ coming up. it’s more important than ever to buckle up and organise those finances.

Mental health is always a challenge in January, especially given the anxieties of COVID and cold weather. I have felt quite cut off from people as I have been working from home, and not going out, out. I had to cancel seeing one of my best friends as I haven’t been feeling too well, which meant leaving January feeling a bit sorry for myself!

I was not so successful in getting a balanced life! Cold weather, not feeling well, busy working life, all meant I have been working at home and doing little else. However, I have started to try and go for a walk at mid-day. I have been re-arranging my personal space, and cleaning up the clutter! With my budget, I also know how much I have to spend each month, which always gives me a sense of calm. I try to use Sundays as my day of rest and writing, but am now trying to use Sunday evenings as downtime.

And that concludes my first Power of Three!