Introducing the Power of Three – March 2022
Each month, I am going to focus on improving three things in my life, called the ‘Power of Three.” Whether that’s my finances, career, lifestyle or general happiness. I am going to suggest something each month, and also take you along this journey with me.
I use this communication in my marketing to create simplicity, balance and engagement. It’s important to keep things simple.
What is going to be your focus this month?
Let me know in the comments below..

1. Rest
Being able to rest is my Achilles heel. I like to be busy, and I find it difficult to relax. So this month I am looking to rest. I have been focused on work, but it’s time to relax too.
How I go about this is a different matter! I hate lying around, and like to be busy. So I need to try and work out how to switch off, even when work is in high demand!
What is the ‘Power of Three’ things you want to do in March? #powerofthree

2. Have fun!
In my February Power of Three, I shared with you that I wanted to spend time with friends again. I have lost regular contact with so many people during the lockdown. I need to try and spend time with people I love. So this is a big priority for me this month. How can we reconnect other than on social media?
So Diary of a CEO and Printworks here I come! It’s time to start having fun again.

3. Look after my health
Unfortunately, I started off the year with sinusitis, which I haven’t shaken off. We are not used to being ill anymore, so I need to make sure that I boost my immune system, and keep well. I started off the month buying a slow cooker, and have already started cooking casseroles and taking my vitamins once again. I need to make sure I keep my immune system strong. This month my health is once again a priority.

Power of Three – Top Tips
So how did I do in February? I chose to focus on self-worth, friends and health.
1. Self-worth
At the heart of many of our decisions, is our self-worth. Do we feel enough? Deserving of success and happiness? Able to leave situations that are toxic for us? I have struggled with this over the course of my life, but at the same time, I am in a great place right now.
Something I have always struggled with is buying myself anything. Debt aside, I have never liked paying for anything for myself. So as part of the month’s exercise examine what core beliefs are lingering around, which are toxic. I also have looked to spend some money on my appearance, clothes, and small luxuries to treat myself. It’s only right that we treat ourselves from time to time. not as an emotional fix, but to remind ourselves, that we are worth it!
2. Rediscover my friends
I have a lot of work here still, and people to rediscover and see. What was truly wonderful was reconnecting with an old school friend Chloe who has known me since infant school. Thanks, Steven Bartlett for bringing us together over your Diary of a CEO Event. That was incredible. So was eating pizza and reminiscing in my home afterwards, chatting about growing up in Wales, and my childhood!
I also got to see one of my best friends Amber and Cheryl, which made me realise just how much I have missed being with people I love and who look after me too.
3. Heath and healing
It’s been a painful month. I have been kneaded, massaged, and mostly made to feel lots of pain, trying to look after old injuries. It’s quite remarkable that following an office injury, over time, it has become worse as my body has instinctively not used the part of the body which is weak. As part of this learning, and did I say constant pain. I need to strengthen my body with exercises and get everything working again. So it’s time for physical healing.
And that concludes my first Power of Three!