Venue: Gilded Balloon – Old Tolbooth Market | BOTHY
Dates: 31st July – 25th August (not 13th), 22.30 [50 mins]
Tickets: £6 Advance tickets or PWYW
80’s Comedy Fantasy Beg Borrow & Bitch unzips the makeup bag of Cassandra Hunt and Cynthia Murphy. The co-hosts of America’s no.1 feminist shopping channel Two-Faced Bitchin’. Celebrating their one- millionth show, selling modern products for modern women, these gals have hit the zenith of their careers, which can only mean one thing… Trouble is on the horizon.
‘British Camp, A wholly original concoction..you leave unsure what you’ve just watched, just that it was very good indeed’ – The Wee Review

Will these two bitches get their act together?
‘Utterly fearless…Excessively silly… and down-right surreal….you will probably love it’ – The Mumble
In a race to stay relevant, ego’s are bruised and the claws come out. Question is, will these two bitches get their act together? Or are they simply past their sell-by dates?
Short and sharp Abbie Murphy star of The Office Movie, and BFG (Big Friendly Gay) Ricky Hunt ex backing dancer for Kanye West make for a dynamic duo.
Come sip on their deliciously camp Dynasty cocktail, followed by a RuPaul’s Drag Race chaser. You’ll never see a Stranger Thing…
Venue: Gilded Balloon
Dates: 31st July – 25th August (not 14th), 1 pm
Abbie Murphy also returns to the Edinburgh fringe this year, with Eat Sleep Shit Shag. What a brilliant working title.
“Refreshing and slick” – ONE 4 REVIEW*****
In the show, Murphy retraces the steps of her transformative years, from firestarter in a football shirt to feathers, tits and teeth. Tales of youth, growing up in Essex/suburbia, unique anecdotes from a professional dance career, and life now as an ex-showgirl, resurface and collide as she attempts to live her best life. Becoming increasingly aware of her mortality results in a darkly wry Abbie trying to figure out what her next move is – in a bid to reach the seemingly unattainable, and enviable, state of contentment.
“Impeccable comic insight” – THE WEE REVIEW***
“Powerful tone of feminism” – BUNBURY MAG*****
“5 Star comedian in a 2 Star venue” – MUMBLE****

Abbie Murphy
“An ex-show girl’s deadpan anecdotes of the industry is a hidden gem” – THE SKINNY****
Abbie’s first venture into the world of comedy was back in 2014 when her show Girl on Fire won Best Act at the Camden Solo Festival. The following year, her next show Have a Word earned Abbie a finalist’s spot at the Amused Moose Comedy Awards.
Observational comedy, relatable for the many and not for the few!
Since then, Abbie has been occupied with numerous acting and writing roles, including starring in the film David Brent: Life on the Road and the Channel 4 series Catastrophe. Other small-screen credits include Miranda (BBC One), Bobby & Harriet Get Married (Viceland), and Pompidou (BBC).
Back to the big screen, Abbie has recently finished filming for the new Pokemon movie Detective Pikachu, playing the part of Cynthia McMaster alongside Ryan Reynolds, Bill Nighy and a whole host of huge names. The film is set for release on May 10th.