Today is Equal Pay Day
Equal Pay Day: Are you happy to be working for free? Today working women all over the UK will start working for free until the end of the year due to the pay gap between what the average man...
2 mins read
Heathrow becomes 1st Living Wage airport
Heathrow becomes 1st Living Wage airport with 3,200 workers set for a Living Wage pay rise * Today, Heathrow Airport becomes the 1st airport in the UK to sign up as aLiving Wage Employer* Heathrow join more than 3,600 Living...
4 mins read
Mental health problems force 300,000 out of work
Thriving at Work: A review of mental health and employers A Thriving at Work report commissioned by Theresa May, published this week, reveals that the annual cost to the UK economy due to poor mental health is £99bn. Worryingly, the report revealed...
5 mins read