Sustainable Living
‘Sustainable living’ or ‘green living’ is all about making healthier choices for our planet and the people who live here.
Sienna Miller fronts Oxfam’s #SECONDHANDSEPTEMBER fight against throwaway fashion
Will you be supporting Oxfam’s #SecondHandSeptember campaign? Actress Sienna Miller is fronting this year’s #SecondHandSeptember campaign to raise awareness about the harmful effects to fast fashion – clothes that are produced in high volume and at relatively low cost to the consumer...
7 mins read
Cook Clever, Waste Less with Prue and Rupy, C4
Cook Clever, Waste Less with Prue and Rupy Mondays 8:30 pm, Channel 4 Starting 24th May Prue Leith and Dr Rupy Aujla, aim to transform the cooking and food shopping habits of four British families in Channel 4’s Cook Clever, Waste...
5 mins read
61% of Brits drink tap water instead of plastic bottles to improve their carbon footprint
Global Survey Reveals Brits Are Eco-Conscious but Lack Understanding of Water Quality The British are world leaders in recycling with 81% of people recycling when they can. The results are from a global survey on behalf of ZeroWater, a market leader...
2 mins read