Mission Accomplished

Final Lockdown Diary: Week 18

Lockdown Diaries: Week 18

Now that shielding will be paused on 1 August – this is officially my last lockdown diary! I think about how far we have come from when we first went into lockdown. I started to stay indoors a week before the Government made the official announcement. Concerned about what I was seeing on Twitter from Italy. It only seemed a matter of time before the UK followed suit.

Watching people fighting for toilet rolls on the news, not being able to get any food deliveries, and saying goodbye to friends and loved ones for an indefinite time was a surreal moment. Almost forgotten, as we seem to be re-emerging out of lockdown. I feel for my friends in Leicester who are still in a local lockdown. I will be coming out into the ‘new normal’ where people wear face masks, and social distancing is our new reality.

The Final Lockdown Diary - Week 18 #LockdownDiary

Debt Stories with Marie Ellis – Broke Girl in The City interviewed by Mrs Moneypenny

Lynn Beattie, Aka Mrs MummyPenny, is an amazing money blogger and personal finance expert. I was fortunate enough to be interviewed for her debut series, where we talked about debt and how I got myself out of it. You can read the full story here.

“Over to Marie from the Broke Girl In The City to share her story. This is an honest and inspiring story of real-life specifics of debt. And a happy ending with Marie clearing her debt in full and experiencing financial freedom.”

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My Top 3 Tips for the Lockdown: Week 18

Lockdown is a personal journey for all of us. I have close friends who are key workers and have been working this whole time. Other friends have gone back to work, people like me are about to start working from the office, and others are still yet to go back.

Our whole future is uncertain. We face constant anxiety about our jobs, money and relationships too. On top of that, we wake up and wonder how we can protect ourselves against this COVID-19 virus which is sweeping the globe.


I have put on weight during lockdown to the point I am unable to fit into any of my old clothes. However, I have no intention of going on a diet. This has been caused by inactivity, which will drastically change over the next few weeks. Watching everyone else go about their lives but having to stay indoors has been stressful. There is no handbook to this, and we all have moments when we are anxious, stressed or depressed. Be gentle with yourself. Look after yourself, your health and your mental health.


Nothing is certain, and with so many job losses, building up an emergency fund is important. If you have already been made redundant, keep as much redundancy money as possible. Don’t be tempted to spend on everyday living if you can. Also, don’t splash the cash as soon as you are out of lockdown. Read How to Save for an emergency fund on a Budget.


Building a new normal is a mindset shift as well as a lifestyle change. Something I mentioned recently on BBC Radio 5 Live with Laura Whitmore. We now have to wear masks in our everyday lives and wash our hands wherever we go (not that we shouldn’t have been doing that already!). It’s a chance to build a new life for ourselves. Establish new healthier habits. Build a new normal for yourself. Take your time, and good luck!

That concludes my final Lockdown Diary!

If you could give your Top Tips from Lockdown, what would they be?

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