Friendship Day


♥ To my best friend Tracy ♥

Today marks Friendship Day, so I thought I would dedicate this blog post to the memory of my best friend, who passed away this month.

Not a day has gone by since we met that we didn’t speak, see each other or didn’t think about each other. You wrote that on my Facebook wall. It’s so true.

Tracy was always so vivacious, beautiful, fun & loving. A devilish cutting sense of humour that would have me in fits of giggles, even when it was aimed at me.

She would always tell me it was love at first sight when we first met in bars. I showed her how to work the dishwasher on her first shift, which cemented our friendship from the start.

We would also try to look after one another.

After University, we both were given the position of bar supervisor and became even closer.  I have so many fond memories of those days. Dressing up in outrageous outfits. Tracy in fairy wings. Accessorising our staff uniforms until they were unrecognisable in protest. Doing snow fairies for thousands of pounds in the back of the Venue nightclub.

We would also try to look after one another. I rang Tracy every day, sometimes five times a day, to chat with her. We would pick each other up when we were down – and laugh at – and with each other all of the time.

Tracy hated it when I left for ‘that London’, but that’s when she met her soulmate, whom she soon married. Tracy told me never to settle for anything other than butterflies. She proved to me that true love does exist. Our love and friendship were always unconditional.

What was so special about Tracy was that she was a best friend to everyone. She made everyone feel special, and her love for everyone will stay with all forever.

Friendship Day

So make this day special. Ring a friend you haven’t spoken to in ages. Send a little gift to someone you know who is feeling down. More importantly, arrange to meet people. Time is the most important thing we have to give someone. We have so many Facebook group friends. Be a real one in the real world.

Friendship Day celebrations take place on the first Sunday of August every year. The tradition of dedicating a day in honour of friends began in the US in 1935. Gradually the festival gained popularity, and today, Friendship Day is celebrated in a large number of countries, including India. On this day, people spend time with their friends and express love for them. The exchange of Friendship Day Gifts like flowers, cards and wristbands is a popular tradition of this occasion.

“Friends are the best to turn to when you’re having a rough day”
 Justin Bieber 

Ladies Day
Ladies Day

Significance of Friendship Day

Sometimes we get so busy in our daily lives that we take our friends for granted, or we let friendships drift. The annual celebration of Friendship Day reminds us that we must cherish the presence of friends in our lives and acknowledge with love the important role they play in our lives. I used to send Tracy little cards or gifts just to show her how much I loved her and was thinking of her. Don’t underestimate the power of what might seem like a small gesture. It could make someone else’s day. Especially those who are lucky to count themselves as your best friends xxx

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