Plastic Free July
Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to solve plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities.
Will you be part of Plastic Free July by choosing to refuse single-use plastics?

You could save £2,400 this year
At the start of the year, I wrote an article highlighting that you could save as much as £2,400 by not buying single-use plastics each year. Just 7.6 takeaway hot drinks (in cups containing single-use plastic) a week, is £21.10 a week and £1,097.20 a year. That’s a lot of money over time you could be saving as well as helping the environment!

Recycling is important
Plastic is the number one product people use each day, despite how damaging it is to the environment. Plastic Free July is a month dedicated to encouraging people to be more aware of their plastic use and creating a cleaner world as a result. People can participate in this challenge by avoiding all products that use plastic products throughout July. By reducing how much a person uses, you and they can make a small difference and help others do the same.

5 things you can do this month:
Begin this month by avoiding single-use plastic such as straws, water bottles, and plastic bags. I have a beautiful water filler bottle at work, which I use every day instead of buying bottled water and using plastic bottles.
1. Takeaway coffee cups
By bringing your own reusable coffee cup, or taking the time to dine in at your favourite café, you can make a huge difference. Many cafes and restaurants now will offer financial discounts if you bring your own reusable cup. Check out the Responsible Cafes network for more details.
2. Plastic Shopping Bags
Plastic bags are incredibly dangerous to our wildlife and environment. Bring your own reusable bags and help put an end to this plastic waste. Avoid single-use shopping bags this month and create better shopping habits.
3. Buying fruit & veg
Many grocery stores pre-package their fruit and vegetables in plastic and offer plastic bags for loose items. There are simple alternatives to help reduce your impact on the environment. I try to buy my vegetables and fruit loose from supermarkets.
4. Clean up after yourself
Nothing winds me up more than seeing plastic bottles and rubbish on the beach and in parks. It’s devastating to the environment and it’s pure laziness not to pick up after yourself. This month starts with how you can impact the world around you, through your actions and how you can influence those around you.
5. Share this to make others aware
Share this campaign message with your friends and use the hashtag #plasticfreejuly to see if they would also like to join you in your efforts to stop using plastic.