• 77% of millennials agree that sending handwritten letters, thank you cards and parcels feels like a dying art
• 3/4 of people think that sending physical forms of communication shows you care more about that person
• 81% would feel more excited if they received a package or letter in the post from someone they know, over a text or message on social media
New research by ipostparcels into the nation’s communication habits, reveals that sending handwritten letters, thank you cards and surprise parcels is a dying art amongst millennials.
Due to the rise of smartphones and social media apps, people are communicating more than ever. 42% admit to texting their friends every day. Over 208,000 pictures are posted to Facebook and 65,000 images are posted on Instagram every single minute. As a result, the art of physically posting something to a loved one is dying out. 40% of millennials confessed to never having sent a handwritten letter. 46% have never sent a surprise parcel and 42% have never sent a thank you card.
The study also discovers that despite 43% never having sent a letter, card or parcel. 80% of people are sad that these aren’t sent as much anymore.
81% of those surveyed said they would feel more excited if they received a package or a letter in the post from someone they know rather than a text or message on social media. Receiving a surprise parcel from a loved one was also ranked as the thing most millennials would be most excited to receive from a friend or family member.

Most tellingly, 75% of millennials agreed that sending physical forms of communication strengthens relationships and shows you care more about that person. However…
40% say it takes up too much time and 30% said that they’re too lazy or can’t be bothered
Psychologist Dr. Saima Latif commented:
“Digital forms of communication often comprise of short phrases and emojis to express what we mean. The effect of abbreviated forms of communication is that emotions and feelings cannot be expressed as effectively and can sometimes be misconstrued. Unfortunately, this can trivialise our relationships making them more superficial rather than strengthening them.
“On the flip side, sending a parcel or letter creates the type of connection that digital communication often cannot. Receiving a parcel or letter from someone we know makes us feel instantly loved because we appreciate the time and effort that has been put into creating it. These forms of communication create memories, as people often keep letters and cards and look back on them years later, whereas digital communication is often deleted or discarded.”
Post For A Post Day: Monday 18th September
Following the results of the research, ipostparcels has launched the first-ever national ‘Post For A Post Day’. The aim is to encourage people across the UK to send more meaningful forms of communication. A handwritten letter or surprise parcel instead of sending a text or posting a message via WhatsApp or social media.
Gemma Conroy, Ecommerce Manager for ipostparcels commented:
“We can see that people are conflicted when it comes to how they communicate with their loved ones. Social media, text messages and other forms of digital communication are undoubtedly a fantastic way to keep in touch throughout our busy lives. However, there is clearly still a desire to receive parcels and letters due to the thought, care and meaning behind such a gesture. We have created Post For A Post Day to help put the meaning back into posting again by encouraging people to send a thoughtful gift or letter to a special person in your life, rather than sending a text or using social media.”

ipostparcels’ commitment to more meaningful forms of communication
100 codes per day are pledged for people all over the UK to post something for free all week. Starting with Post For A Post Day on 18th September 2017. Users can receive the free next day delivery by using the code PFAP at the checkout. For further information visit ipostparcels.com
Post For A Post Day is just the beginning of ipostparcels’ commitment to encourage Brits to spend less time communicating via their phones and send more handwritten letters and parcels to surprise and delight loved ones.

Post a letter today to someone special
I love sending little cards and parcels to people, but the art seems to have been lost. People have stopped even sending birthday cards thinking a facebook post will do. This is a recent card I sent to my BFF when I knew she had been poorly 🙂