Money Saving Tips from author & social media sensation Gemma Bird, aka @moneymumofficial
Money Mum wants us to drop the perceived shame and secrecy around being strapped for cash, in debt or economising and saving, challenging peer pressure and anxiety-inducing financial choices and helping us push through challenging times.

Top Tips:
- This Winter, turn your central heating thermostat down by just 1 degree.
– it can save you up to 10% a year on your bill.
- Bulk out a meal like a spag bol with carrots, so you use less meat.
- Grab a scanner at your local supermarket to keep track of your spending
- Bring out your slow cooker – its 10p per hour vs your oven at 52p per
- Consider renting out your driveway with Apps like YourParkingSpace
- Is your bedroom cold? Switch on your electric blanket to get your bed
warm, a 40w electric blanket will warm up your bed for just 2p per hour
- Use apps like Honey to make sure you are getting the best deals when
you shop online.

Christmas Top Tips
- This Christmas, consider not buying New – buy from car boot sales,
charity shops, Facebook Marketplace, eBay and Vinted. Second-hand toys
are fine for children, especially plastic ones you can disinfect.
– It’s too easy to let Christmas gift spending get out of control -so
speak to the family. Would you all be happy to buy for the children? If
you have a big family, how about doing a Secret Santa? Set a budget for
gifts that are comfortable for everyone. Remember, Christmas isn’t just
about presents; it’s about spending quality time with family and
- Prep for next Christmas – start Boxing Day – put away £2 per day;
that’s £14 per week. That’s £728 saved – next Christmas is sorted!

An honest, passionate & informative digital content creator, author & Mum of two,
Gemma Bird helps others to save money.
Gemma Bird’s practical and savvy money-saving tips have made her a social media sensation.
With 286k followers on Instagram and over 68k on TikTok, Gemma’s fans can’t get enough of her helpful and relatable advice!
From entertaining the kids, useful money-saving apps and the best deals and freebies, hard-working Mum Gemma shares the ‘need to know’ to push through economically challenging times with a smile.
The key to Gemma’s success comes from her motivation, a working Mum who frequently held down multiple jobs to make ends meet; she is the antithesis of the ‘wealthy’ influencers who leave their followers feeling negative and inadequate.
Money Mum is actively instigating change, dropping the perceived shame and secrecy around being strapped for cash, in debt or economising and saving, challenging peer pressure and anxiety-inducing financial choices. She says, “There is a pride & empowerment that comes with being in control of your money”.
Gemma also advocates for Money Management classes to be included in the UK school’s National Curriculum. She believes introducing an understanding of good financial choices early is key: “If we change our mindset from short-term cure to long-term prevention, we will become the change we want to see in our world”.
Gemma Bird’s book ‘Money Mum Official – Save Yourself Happy’ is Out Now, with a new book launch Coming Soon.
Gemma has written for The Sun’s Fabulous magazine and featured in media, including The Daily Mail, Best magazine and Channel 4 News. She has collaborated with brands including Tesco, Superdrug, Hello Fresh & Legoland.
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@moneymumofficial?lang=en
Instagram: www.instagram.com/moneymumofficial/?hl=en
Purchase Save Yourself Happy: HERE