Veganuary: 5 reasons to go vegan this year
Veganuary is a non-profit organisation that encourages people worldwide to try vegan for January and beyond. During last year’s 2020 campaign, more than 400,000 people took the pledge to try a vegan diet. With more than 600 brands, restaurants, and supermarkets promoting the campaign. 1200 new vegan products and menus were launched in the UK market alone.
I have been speaking to my brother about his Vegan lifestyle and beliefs for some time, and so decided to sign up this year for Veganuary. Keen to explore a plant-based diet, I also wanted to look at how becoming Vegan will help protect the environment, and animals as well as looking at improving my overall health. I thought it would also be a challenge to discover new recipes and foods.

1. It’s better for the environment
We have learned for many years that animal agriculture is contributing to damaging the environment. According to the Veganuary website, it is responsible for 60% of agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions. Our oceans are also suffering. One of the key reasons for signing up this month is to be more accountable for my personal contribution to the planet.
2. Way to help end animal suffering
Not all animals are equal. We cherish dogs in the UK and yet they are eaten in other countries. Many animals lead a miserable existence and so becoming Vegan this month is also a way I find of aligning my diet with my beliefs about ending animal suffering. While we have often bought ‘free-range’ and ‘cage-free’ foods because we believe that this equates to being cruelty-free. Watching documentaries and reading into this in more detail, sadly this isn’t true. You only have to watch videos which document the gruesome fate of male chicks to witness this.
3. Eating healthily will improve your health
Many people have reported that they have felt healthier after a month of being Vegan. I am well-known among friends for not eating vegetables or fruit. I am looking forward to expanding on my usual diet and introducing other foods into my diet. I take supplements to keep well (I had a Vitamin D deficiency), but it is better to get your source of nutrients from food. Improving your diet and health also means that your immune system will be quicker to get over illnesses and fight disease.
Download this celebrity cookbook for some inspiring recipes
4. On a budget – it will help you save money
Of course, it’s January, so it’s great to find recipes which are also cheap and on a budget! Meat can be expensive, so I am going to be looking at cooking vegan meals cheaply. I will share the recipes that I attempt this month. If you sign up for Veganuary they will send you a range of recipes to inspire you, which have been sent through by celebrity ambassadors. Also, they have sent through a guide to cooking on a budget. All of the main stores have a Veganuary range of foods available too.
5. Improve your mood and increase energy
January is known for being the most depressing month of the year. With many of us still in lockdown, veganism is a way in which we can improve our mental health and mood, by changing our diet. I am also giving up alcohol as part of Dry January, so together, I am hoping for an improvement to my chronic insomnia and moods.

High-profile ambassadors of this year’s Veganuary campaign include Joaquin Phoenix (Actor), Paul McCartney, Alicia Silverstone (Actor), Mayim Bialik (Actor), Chris Packham (TV Presenter), Sarah-Jane Crawford and Melody Kane (International DJ).
Veganuary.com is the largest website of its kind on the internet. With vegan recipes, expert advice and information, it provides all the answers to Why go vegan.
Veganuary is a registered charity (1168566) inspiring people to try vegan for January and throughout the rest of the year.