World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day 2020

World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

The theme for this year’s World Mental Health Day, October 10th set by the World Federation, is ‘mental health for all.’

2020 has been a testing time for all of us; whether we have a pre-existing mental health problem or not. Lockdown was a difficult and stressful time. I spent 3 months shielding; living and working out of my bedroom. Not being able to see family, friends, loved ones. Local lockdowns have also prevented us from seeing friends and families. Even when we have tried to live our ‘new normal’. We can’t hug, kiss, or be with each other in the same way. All of which is having a detrimental effect on our mental health.

Most importantly, we have to take care of ourselves, as well as each other.

I canceled my plans today, as I am physically and mentally exhausted. I need to recharge. So I got up to do my Saturday morning ritual of washing clothes and bedding, followed by the longest nap. I woke at 6 pm to realize I had slept through the afternoon. I have just watched Strictly Come Dancing and cried when I saw the beautiful Caroline Flack dancing in their finals. Mental health is so important to us all.

Don’t press snooze on your mental health. If you are struggling, or know loved ones who are struggling. Today is the day to check in on yourself. Slow down. Take good care of yourself. Get help if you need to.

Mental health problems are very common

APMS (2014) found that 1 in 6 people in the past week experienced a common mental health problem.

Anxiety and depression are the most common problems, with around 1 in 10 people affected at any one time.


How do mental health problems affect people?

Anxiety and depression can be severe and long-lasting and have a big impact on people’s ability to get on with life.

Between 1 and 2 in every 100 people experience severe mental illness, such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.

Many people who live with a mental health problem or are developing one, try to keep their feelings hidden because they are afraid of other people’s reactions. Many people feel troubled without having a diagnosed, or diagnosable, mental health problem – although that doesn’t mean they aren’t struggling to cope with daily life.

Don’t struggle alone.


Top Tips from UK Money Bloggers for sleep #MHAW2020

I thought I would take this opportunity to ask top UK Money Bloggers what their Top Tips are for managing their sleep to share with you all.