Canon EOS 1DX mark III London & Manchester Showcase
January is Hobby Month! The perfect antidote to our busy lifestyles. I started photography, which I love. It’s the one time I am most present. A couple of years ago I bought a second-hand Canon camera. I have been experimenting using a camera V iPhone. I love them both!

This week, Fixation will host two showcase events for the Canon EOS 1DX mark III camera in both London and Manchester.
Sensor cleaning is free on event days for Canon cameras, the only thing we need is for people to bring a fully charged battery for their camera.
Sports photographer Eddie Keough will be in London to answer questions about the kit after using it. Experts from Canon will also be there showing off the 1DX features and the wider range of EOS.
You will be able to try the latest EOS bodies and L series lenses at this free Canon Professional showcase in London on the 15th and 16th of January. Experts from Canon will bring the latest releases, and some rarer lenses, including the incredibly light mark III telephoto lenses: EF 400mm f2.8L IS III and EF 600mm f4.0L IS III.
The new Canon EOS 1DX mark III flagship DSLR camera will be available to try alongside the wider range of EOS professional camera bodies and lenses.
The newest EOS camera bodies will be on display for you to test alongside your own kit or with any of the lenses on show. Try the new EOS R and the RF zoom range from 15mm to 200mm at f/2.8!

Canon EOS 1DX mark III London Showcase | January 15th 12:00 pm – January 16th 4:00 pm
The London workshop will provide free professional sensor cleaning, and firmware updates, for all Canon EOS camera bodies over the two days, from the EOS 200D to the EOS 1DX mark II. Drop them off at the service counter. Find out more about the sensor cleaning service.
London Event Details:
Visit the Fixation London showroom on the 15th and 16th January 2020 to experience the latest kit Canon has available!
Dates: January 15 10:00 am – January 16 4:00 pm
Venue: Fixation Showroom, Unit C, 250 Kennington Lane
London, SE11 5RD United Kingdom

Canon EOS 1DX mark III Manchester Showcase | January 27 12:00 pm – January 28 4:00 pm
Technicians will provide free professional sensor cleaning, and firmware updates, for all Canon EOS camera bodies over the two days. From the EOS 200D to the EOS 5D mark IV, bring them in for a bit of TLC. Find out more about their sensor cleaning service.
Manchester Event Details:
Visit the Manchester showcase on the 27th and 28th January 2020 to experience the latest kit Canon has available!
Dates: January 27 10:00 am – January 28 4:00 pm
Venue: Fixation Manchester, Wex Photo Video, Unit 4, Downing Street Ind. Estate Charlton Place, Manchester, M12 6HH United