Not Everyone is ‘a little bit ADHD’
Not Everyone is ‘a little bit ADHD’ | ADHD Awareness Month Expert Psychologist Dr Selina Tackles Misunderstanding of Growing Condition October is ADHD Awareness Month. The 2024 theme is “Awareness is Key!” The goal for this month is to share...
4 mins read
Over 7 million Brits attend Yoga/Pilates to meet a romantic partner.
Meet You At The Mat: Over 7 million Brits attend Yoga/Pilates classes in the hope of meeting a romantic partner Over one in 10 Brits – the equivalent of over 7 million people – confess to ditching online dating apps....
3 mins read
5 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem
5 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem In today’s world, self-esteem and body confidence are often influenced by societal expectations and online culture. Mainstream advice focuses on the basics of self-care and mindfulness. Nonetheless, lesser-known actions can have a huge impact...
2 mins read