London Staycation: Fun things to plan and do
Fun things to do on a London Staycation The Government’s roadmap out of lockdown continues on Monday 12th April, so it’s time to start planning for a London Staycation or holiday. The ‘Stay at Home’ messaging has been dropped and...
9 mins read
International Women’s Day 2021: Choose To Challenge
International Women’s Day 2021 Striving for an equal future #ChooseToChallenge Happy International Women’s Day! International Women’s Day has adopted the theme is ‘Choose To Challenge‘ this year. If we don’t challenge the status quo, then change won’t happen. As the...
6 mins read
How to get your mojo back
How to get your mojo back By Sid Madge, Meee If life is a Venn diagram, there is an upbeat section. And over the course of the last twelve months many of us have found it tough to keep a...
3 mins read