Global Drink Wine Day is my new favourite export from the US. To celebrate, we thought we would dedicate a post to one of our favourite tipples with a cheeky glass or two.
“The purpose of National Drink Wine Day is to spread the love and health benefits of wine,” says the Global Drink Wine Day website.
Let’s celebrate Global Drink Wine Day!

“I shall drink no wine before it’s time! OK, it’s time.”
Groucho Marx

Red wine on a budget
During the winter months, it’s customary to indulge in a lovely bottle of red. As a rule of thumb, my male friends always preferred red to white. Red is always good for a hearty evening meal.
Not sure about you, but let’s quickly run through a couple of red. Do let us know which ones you like in the comments below.
Isla Negra is often found in many a supermarket and off-licence. One of those cheaper reds where you can’t go wrong. The wine is from Chile’s most popular red grape, Cabernet Sauvignon. The Tesco website says it is the ‘Perfect TV dinner wine, especially with pizza.’
Malbec, Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot are grapes that tend to make full-bodied wines. Merlot is the softest and plummy, Shiraz is spicy, Malbec is rich and intense, and Cabernet Sauvignon is full of blackcurrant and dark fruits. Rioja is an area in Spain that makes different styles of wine such as Tempranillo.
Pinot Noir, an Argentine Malbec, and a Cotes du Rhone are often good-to-buy wines on a night out. I personally love Malbec after being introduced to it by my brother. Just remember to keep checking your teeth if on a night out. Have a glass of water too. Red wine hangovers are just the worst.
“I cook with wine; sometimes I even add it to the food.”
W.C. Fields

White wine for under a tenner
Go to Sainsbury’s, Tesco’s, and Aldi, and you will find an array of white wines for under a tenner. It’s difficult not to be swayed by all of the offers rather than looking at what you are getting for that price. I spent so much time trying to match a wine with what I could cook. Game (who has ever cooked that?), spiced sausage (like really?). Anything which is yellow (ok, we have all thought it and looks like urine is a big no-no). Aesthetics are all important, no matter how long the bottle may last. So time to start a ‘test and learn phase.
“Life is too short to drink bad wine”
As a rule, most of the time you try to find a bottle of white wine for under a tenner, your main options will be Chardonnay, Pinot, and Sauvignon Blanc. Ask a waiter for their recommendations and they will either steer you up the menu or take one look and point and recommend the house. Chilled white wine is simply divine, especially in the summer and it’s time to start looking for spring when people want to catch up after work rather than run home.
“Accept what life offer you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.”
Paulo Coelho
Get the Vivino wine app

The app is so simple and easy to use. All you do is hold the camera to the app. Take a pic and let it advise you on the wine you intend to buy.

The first time I used this app, I spent ages looking up wine labels. The ratings didn’t sway me so much. More how much of a good deal I was getting having looked at the average price! Pinot and Chardonnay are all names we are familiar with but do start building up your personal guide on wines you enjoy.
Download now on iTunes and Google Play.
Campo Viejo Rioja (Tempranillo) came up tops from my personal recommendations and through the app!
Cheers to that!