Broke Girl in the City’s Lockdown Diaries: Week 2
I can’t believe it’s already Week 2 of my Lockdown Diaries! It seems an eternity since we all watched Boris on the news telling the country we were first in lockdown.
Very quickly, our world has become very small. In fact, my world is now my house! I am not allowed to set foot outside this house as I am shielding. I even have to minimise any face-to-face contact with my housemates. Whilst we have become disconnected physically. We have become more connected than ever through the use of video, chat and calls.
In a week, it has been governed by the Corona Virus headlines. It has also been a week of working from home with housemates, excessive cleaning, hunting for food and trying to keep myself sane both living and working out of a confined space.

Working from home
I started a new job this week! Strangest time ever to be starting a new role. Not easy either when everyone else is getting used to new processes and ways of communicating with each other. However, I know that I am lucky to have this opportunity still.
When I left my last role back in September, I bought myself a small desk and chair for my bedroom. My bedroom doubles up as a bedroom/office, as I have been blogging these past six months. The week before I started my new role. I moved around my room to make the desk more central and cosy. Working from home may have its challenges, but it also offers you an opportunity to work without interruption from colleagues and the ability to focus. That said, you can save money on commuting costs too!

Surviving lockdown in a shared house
When I moved into a houseshare a year ago, I wasn’t expecting to be in a national lockdown together with 6 other people! One of my housemates is a dear friend I lived with when I was a student. So it has been lovely living with someone I have known for such a long time.
The UK lockdown has brought most of us together. The house now has our own WhatsApp group and our road!. We have all been respectful of one another needs to work. My housemates have also been on hand to get me essential items when I have been running out of food.
As I am in a vulnerable group, my interest in the news has been magnified compared to others. I was grateful for the lockdown as this meant we were all told to keep safe in the house. I live with two key workers, so they need to keep on working. However, I seem to have one rogue housemate who seems to think that this lockdown doesn’t apply to them. Still been working and meeting friends, despite the government saying no one should be leaving the house right now.
How many of you are finding it frustrating living with others who are not abiding by the government rules and potentially putting you at risk? Are you enjoying your time in the house together, or have there been conflicts? Let me know in the comments below.
Create don’t contaminate
My friends working in entertainment have been the hardest hit so far. Friends who are all comedians, artists, performers, and DJs and are all without work for the foreseeable future. Incredibly stressful for many people who have been in the middle of tours both in the UK and abroad. I have really felt for them.
Yet these are the people who are using their talents to entertain other people in lockdown. Stephen Bailey was one of the comedians who gave up their time to stream a night of comedy to raise money for the Trussell Trust (flyer above). My friends have all looked to create and help others in the middle of a crisis that has affected them financially.
Why is the UK still in denial?
Sunday 8:00 pm The Queen addresses the nation.
I mean, come on now. Having promised to be kinder at the start of the year. I removed myself from Twitter this morning in case I started a Twitter spat. After witnessing adults behaving like petulant children, questioning why the police were taking away their rights to sunbathe. I want to add that many people don’t have gardens and need to get out. I am not insensitive. However, watching photos of groups of people sitting around in parks was quite shocking. Not sure why everyone feels so entitled to do whatever they want in the midst of a pandemic. I am sure the government will be considering a full lockdown come Easter weekend, although they are trying their best not to.

My Top 3 Tips for Lockdown: Week 2
1. Create WhatsApp groups!
One of the things this lockdown has done is to bring my housemates and groups of friends together. I am now in a WhatsApp group with house members so that we can keep each other updated on what’s going on. As I have to shield, which means no leaving the house, even for food. I am now having to rely on other people to help me. Whether that has been giving the Pharmacy my prescriptions or buying my teabags, it’s amazing just how much tea you can drink at home! I am even in a WhatsApp group with my University friends- we chatted on Zoom Friday night. Lovely.
2. Get into a routine
Whether you are working from home, have been furloughed, made redundant or are not working. I can’t stress enough how important it is to get into a daily routine. It’s ok to cut yourself some slack right now, but try and get up in the morning. Self-care is really important right now. Eat properly where you can, and try to get a good night’s sleep. If, like me, you are indoors for 12 weeks. Put your cash and credit cards in a safe place and your keys! You’ll thank me later!
3. Discuss cleaning duties
We all have a cleaning rota, which must be adhered to. Each week one housemate must clean the entire house (communal areas only), which is quite a mammoth task when cleaning such a big house. At least with so many of us, it’s only once every 7 weeks.
Cleaning rotas and responsibilities are practical things you need to discuss. Whether you live with housemates, your other half, or your family, people will have different ideas about cleaning. It’s so important that people clean their hands when coming back into the house, but everyone needs to pick up the slack. Discuss the practical side of living at home to ward off arguments. If, like me, you share a bathroom and are shielding, it’s really important to make sure that everything is cleaned before you use anything. Good luck!
That concludes week 2 of my Lockdown Diaries!