
Lockdown Diaries: Tier 4 Christmas

Tier 4 Christmas

Christmas Tier 4 Lockdown Special

I didn’t expect a Tier 4 Christmas and New Year in London. If it hadn’t been for the Track and Trace app, I would be spending Christmas by the beach and exchanging presents in person with my mother. Rather admirably, she has been coping with her Cancer diagnosis all by herself. Like so many other people around the world right now. It is difficult to not spend time with loved ones, especially given that under these sort of circumstances, every moment apart feels like moments wasted. However, I am a firm believer in making every moment count as much as possible. My mother and I have been writing to each other all through lockdown, and I have kept all of these letters. I will treasure them for always. As much as we all want to text and listen to someone on the phone, receiving a letter feels so special.

Christmas Day with my housemates

Considering we didn’t know we would be together on Christmas Day. My housemates and I all pooled together to create a special Christmas for one another.

Aldi is right next door to us which is fantastic. I managed to do one last dash before we went into Tier 4 lockdown in case there was a panic buy and we wouldn’t have anything to eat for Christmas Day. I couldn’t get hold of any Tesco slots until after Christmas Day, as they had already been booked out. I managed to buy a magnum of Prosecco for under a tender (£9.99), a Turkey Crown (£7.80), potatoes and carrots (£1.24 and £0.14 each). I already had Yorkshire puddings and mint sauce – I have to have this with any roast dinner.

My Scottish housemate had never eaten so early before on Christmas Day, but we all settled on 2 pm for Christmas Dinner, which was quite a relaxed affair. We had one Vegan in the mix, but cooked everything in one oven and the meat in the other. Quite a success! We even played a game of cards, watched The Queen’s speech and then I had an afternoon nap.

Christmas Day seemed a day of two halves, as when I woke a couple of hours later, I caught up with friends and family, before settling in to watch 80s music followed by A Few Good Men. Not exactly festive viewing, but they managed to get me through to midnight!


#JoinIn with Sarah Millican | Steven Bartlett YouTube Live Stream

Sarah Millican once again chatted to people using the hashtag #JoinIn Christmas Day. I also joined Steven Barlett‘s 6 pm YouTube Stream, which was good fun. Great to see him on form and excited about all of the possibilities 2021 holds. Although of course, I can’t tell you what was spoken about. It’s a secret.

Originally tweeted by Steven Bartlett (@SteveBartlettSC) on 9th March 2020.

Something I am really looking forward to reading in 2021! As well as attending his postponed event next year. You can pre-order his book on Amazon using this link.*

Amazon Affiliate Disclosure: I will receive any commissions for purchases made through links in this post.

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My Top 3 Lockdown Diaries Tips:


It’s important to look after one another right now. So many people are struggling with their mental health as well as feeling anxious, lonely, and fed up. We all have our good and bad days, but let’s keep checking in on each other. Text, call, facetime or even send a letter. 2020 has been a year as noted by The Queen in her speech, where we have been kept apart but have never felt so close to others. Tell people you love them.


Last Year I bought myself and my friend Amber a gratitude journal. I found that recently, and have it ready to start this year. It’s very easy to be negative and despondent about what’s happening right now. I am going into 2021 without a job, or income, and am unable to see my family. However, I am grateful for the fact that I do have my family and friends. I am able to survive money-wise and am able to cut back on expenses because let’s face it – I am not going out anywhere, anytime soon. I am shielding once again until 18th January as we have been moved back into Tier 4. I am grateful for so many things right now.


If you live with families and children, I can imagine you might roll your eyes when you first read this one. However, it’s important to all enjoy some downtime over the Christmas break. Most people are unable to travel so it’s a lockdown Christmas for many of us. Apart from watching Christmas films, and eating my body weight in cheese, biscuits and chocolates. I have also found some time to relook at my blog and plan out the content for next year. If you have any ideas do let me know in the comments below!

That concludes my NEW Lockdown Diaries series!

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