money mondays

Money Monday Series

money mondays

Money Monday Series

In September 2018, I ran a Money Monday series supported by the charity Stepchange. It is important to realise that debt and money worries impact you on many levels. You might lose sleep. Argue with your partner. Feel stressed and hopeless about your financial situation. If I can get myself out of a decade-long 35k debt, you can do it too!

I will write another feature in this series each week in January, launching this Monday. I have covered credit, financial stress and how to manage your debt. Take a look at some of the topics below. Please leave suggestions in the comments below if you want to see any topic discussed this year.


How to manage your debt

Living with debt can be stressful. Very stressful indeed. Ever since I went to University, I have been in debt. Student loans. Bank loans. Reconsolidation loans. Credit cards. Payday loans. Sometimes the pressure of debt can get a bit too much. So here are some top tips on how to manage debt.

We contacted Stepchange, the UK’s top debt agency, to offer their guidance on several topics to share with you all as part of our ‘Money Mondays’ series.

Financial Stress

5 tips on how to cope with financial stress

Living with debt can be stressful. When stressed, this can affect your appetite, sleep, working life and relationships, especially if you have started to borrow money from people.  The only thing you can do is take control of the situation. Create a budget. Look at what debt solution is right for you. The longer you leave it, the more damage you could do over time.

Credit Card

How to manage credit card debt

To reduce your credit card debt as quickly as possible, try to pay it off as much as you can afford every month. The bigger your credit card balance, the greater the interest will be added. Try to keep your balance to a minimum. Also, remember that if you miss payments, you’ll have extra charges added to your credit card debt. Put your repayments on direct debit so as not to miss one.

5 ways to survive January on a budget

January is a great time to make resolutions. Start the year afresh. January and September are my favourite times of the year to reflect and make plans for the future. 2017 wasn’t the best of years in many ways, but the one thing it did teach me was to budget. My credit rating went up for the first time in years. By saving £25.00 a week, I had managed to save £600 for the New Year when my contract ended and yet there were loads of bills to pay!

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