What resolutions are you making this year?
I love the feeling of the New Year. It’s a chance to reset. To not look back on the past but look forward to the future. 2022 was great in some ways, but it had some really low points, and I felt a massive sense of loss. My personal relationship ended, and my father passed away suddenly. To top it off, I caught the flu in the lead-up to Christmas and was hospitalised after having a severe asthma attack, so I couldn’t make it home to be with my mother. I was kept in isolation in a ward for a few days until I could stabilise to be allowed out of the hospital. So I had lots of time to think about the year that had been and the person I want to be this year.

New Year, Me!
2022 taught me a lot about relationships. Who matters, and what matters the most? Sometimes it doesn’t how much you can love someone, and it’s just not enough. You shouldn’t have to fight to hold on to people, and as painful as it is. Sometimes you just have to let go. Allow that person to be the person they need to be, even if it means that they are no longer a part of your life.
If anything, losing my father made me realise that life is far too short. Over the past couple of years, I have spent far too much time in isolation. So this is the year to surround myself with the people who do love me and make time to have more fun and adventure!

My Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions
For years I have always made 10 New Year’s resolutions. Learning Spanish and how to DJ has remained on this list for years. Although that said, I did study Spanish for a short time. I believe in the ‘Power of Three’, so I am going to make 3 resolutions this year to focus on what’s important. Let me know in the comments below what New Year’s Resolutions you will be making this year.
1. Spend time with loved ones
I have spent much of my time over the last few years on my own. Shielding due to Covid or working from home. I haven’t seen many of my friends and spent a lot of last year working. I didn’t get to see my father again before he passed away, so this made me even more determined to spend the rest of my time, making sure that I spend it with people who love me and want the best for me. 2023 is all about positivity, making sure I spend it with the right people and making moments count.
2. Learn more about money
I invested in some courses last year but didn’t get to spend any time learning because I was too busy! I started this blog to offer my top tips on how to live your best life, even on a budget. 2023 is the year that I focus on building wealth, and will share my top tips along the way! One of the best forms of self-care is looking after your finances. This is the year I will focus on making money, not just saving it.
3. Travel
Before my Grandmother passed away a couple of years ago. She told me not to allow my world to get too small. Great advice! So I am going to book one thing a month to travel. Whether it is to go home, to visit friends, or even go on a well-deserved holiday!
So, I have just bought a Mystery Holiday for 2 people through Wowcher for £99 per person. I am so excited! I haven’t booked a holiday for a few years, so after a Christmas on my own. I thought it was time to treat myself and sign up for a new adventure! More details to follow…