It’s time to make your dreams a reality – and make plans!
Just do it this year! I have spent lots of time by myself these past few weeks, which gave me an opportunity to reflect on 2022 and plan for 2023.
Looking back at what plans and dreams I had put on the back burner last year. What had been important to me?
2022 was a year in which many things I had hoped for and things to happen – just didn’t. It has also been an opportunity to re-evaluate where my life is going and my priorities now.
The one thing that 2023 taught me was that life is far too short to be unhappy. Too short of putting your life and needs on hold. Most definitely too short to delay plans and not spend time with people who matter.
My motto for 2023. Just do it.

Believe in Yourself
In the words of one of my favourite writers, Oscar Wilde, “Be yourself; everyone is taken.”
It’s important to believe in yourself. Whether you need to manifest these changes through visualisation. Or you need to build your confidence and self-esteem. Work out what is going to give you that boost, whether it’s looking or feeling good. Keep on working on yourself.
Look at that girl in the mirror. Work out what you need to be happy!
Believe in yourself. You have got this!

Top Tips – just do it!
New Year is a great time to leave all negativity in the past, look to the future, and invest in yourself and the present. I had a number of personal losses last year and could not join my family over Christmas due to being in hospital. It means more to me than ever this year to be with people who care about me and make plans! I spent too long not going on holiday or meeting up with people I love. Life is for living!
What is guaranteed in life – is that nothing is guaranteed.
So be happy, make plans, and value people while they are in your life.
1. It is never too late to be what you might have been
I remember always wanting to be a writer. Also, I wanted to be a Doctor, but then I realised I was much better at the arts than science. I have always been fascinated by people, so I decided to write again in my blog. Don’t forget to make time for what nourishes you.
2. Look after yourself
I am making it a massive priority to look after my physical health, mental health and appearance. I am booking food deliveries, resting, and making plans outside my work calendar. Your health is your wealth; you can’t do anything without it.
3. Make plans! Just do it.
I know the cost of living prices has caused many of us not to want to spend on ourselves and make plans. Ever since I spoke to Laura Whitmore on BBC Radio 5 Live about personal finances. I urged people to have an emergency fund. Don’t listen to those who say not to save, as inflation will devalue your money. You need this, and life does have emergencies from time to time. Then create a ‘fun fund’ in life. Not having taken a real holiday last year, I bought myself and a friend a Wowcher Mystery Holiday. To 2023. Let’s do it!