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5 Reasons Why I Think Being a Millennial ROCKS!
Why being a so-called “Millenial”‘ is actually pretty AWEOME for YOUR MONEY I don’t know about you, but, I find identifying myself as a millennial pretty hard to do. I was born in 1985, and technically, the millennial time-span is...
10 mins read
Is being able to work from home important to you?
Working from home has become an increasingly important benefit to the workplace and will become increasingly so. The ability to work from home has always been undermined traditionally by a corporate distrust. If workers are not at their desks and...
2 mins read
Today is Equal Pay Day
Equal Pay Day: Are you happy to be working for free? Today working women all over the UK will start working for free until the end of the year due to the pay gap between what the average man...
2 mins read