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Bargain Hunters Create Free Supermarket Price Comparison Tool After Collapse of MySupermarket

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Three bargain hunters have created a free supermarket price comparison tool following the collapse and closure of MySupermarket. I signed up for an account and downloaded the app to check it out in full before sharing details with you all.

Who is behind LatestDeals?

Tom Kelsey, 33, from Oxford; Tom Church, 29, from London; and Deepak Tailor, 32, from Essex, have made a free tool that compares the prices for essential supermarket products at Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Waitrose and Iceland. 

The tool was made in response to rising prices at supermarkets and families struggling financially.

The trio runs an online money-saving community with 1 million members called After receiving messages asking for help, they have worked day and night to create the tool.

MySupermarket was the UK’s biggest supermarket comparison site, but it closed without warning last month, leaving users without service. 

The tool is available for free within the Latest Deals app on Apple iOS and Google Play.

LatestDeals App

Let’s check out the app…

I downloaded the LatestDeals app for myself to check it out from the App Store. Also, I signed up for an account via their website.

App homepage

On the homepage, you will see a top menu featuring the following tabs: Deals | Flash | Vouchers | Freebies | Competitions. Displayed underneath are ‘popular deals’, which feature a number of items and discounts.

Supermarket Comparison

What to do when you sign up?

After signing up and verifying your password, you can Introduce yourself, Update your profile or dive straight into Show Me the deals.

How you can benefit

Sign up for an account to be able to benefit from their points system. The way in which this works is that by sharing and interacting with the app, you will be rewarded.

Points – How to earn them

After signing up, I took a look at their Points Page. The points system rewards you for interacting and sharing their app, introducing friends, sharing deals or liking their deals.

  • Click on the ‘Share‘ option at the top of the page to share a Deal, Competition, Voucher or Freebie.

I have documented below how these Points can then be redeemed.

What can I do with my points?

Why not use this time at home to download the app, check it out for yourself and start building up points that can be redeemed for an Amazon voucher?

The new supermarket comparison app video…

Check out this video for more information on Latest Deals.

Tom Church, Co-Founder of, says…

Tom Church, Co-Founder of said, “We started to receive hundreds of messages asking for help. Supermarket prices are increasing, there are fewer discounts, and the lack of stock for home brands means people are forced to upgrade to more expensive products.

“The only supermarket price comparison tool was MySupermarket. But this shutdown last month. 

“I asked our community if they would find it helpful if we made a free alternative. The response was overwhelming. For some parents, saving 20p on bread is the difference between having food on the table and not. Thousands are losing their jobs and waiting for Universal Credit.

“Knowing where is cheapest to buy your essentials is critical and essential information at this time. People are rapidly descending into financial difficulty, and we know we have to do something.

“I think Kelsey, our tech whizz, has had 72 hours without proper sleep. We want to get this out to people to help them as fast as possible. It might not sound like a big deal to some folk, but when you only have £20 a week to feed your family, it’s a huge problem.

“MySupermarket closed without warning, leaving millions of users with no alternative. They had 14 years of development with a professional team. We’ve made an alternative within 72 hours, and it’s free for everyone.

However, some have pointed out this tool may encourage shopping at multiple supermarkets.

Tom said, “We have exclusively focused on the six big supermarkets that do online shopping and home delivery. For precisely this reason, we have not included Aldi, Lidl, Co-Op or other food stores. Plus, we’ll hide those results from members to help supermarkets who are under strain if their websites are down or have a queue system.” 

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