Introducing the Power of Three – January 2022
The Power of Three may mean many things to different people. I use this communication in my marketing to create simplicity, balance and engagement. If you send an email with 3 points, the chances are people will read them. Anything more and people will feel overwhelmed or bored, or simply not even read anything at all.
Each month, I am going to focus on improving three things in my life. Whether that’s my finances, career, lifestyle or general happiness. I am going to suggest something each month, and also take you along this journey with me. Feel free to mix it up and add fun things to do.
It’s important to keep things simple.

1. Pay all of my credit cards off in full
I love the start of a new year, a new month. It’s the opportunity to start afresh. To look at what I have achieved, and check-in with my financial goals.
So, one of my top three things to do in January is to focus on my 2022 finances.
– Make a budget
– Work out my NET Worth
– Pay off my credit cards
– Set a savings goal
– Look at 2022 investments
Paying off Credit Card debt
I have been paying off debt over the last few months to ensure that I start 2022 with a clean slate. Unfortunately, I had accumulated some credit card debt this year when I was out of work. I used my savings to pay off one credit card in November, that I had built up using the Plum app. I can’t recommend this app enough!
Even though January is the longest month of the year. I have boldly reset my credit card repayments to take the full payments each month for the remainder of the year. Despite being on top of my finances this time last year, living in London with no income for months meant that certain expenses sneaked onto credit cards. So 2022 is going to be the year I live within my means, budget appropriately and also will be the year I pay off my credit cards in full!
What are the top 3 things you want to do in January? #powerofthree

2. Focus on positive mental health
January is a great month to focus on our health – including our mental health. 2021 has taken a toll on us all, whether we have been affected by what’s going on around us, or what has directly impacted us. Whether you have lost your job, have contracted COVID, lost loved ones or have been struggling with your mental health. It’s easy to lock ourselves away and hibernate in January. Yet this is the time we need to be taking good care of ourselves, and getting outdoors where possible and connecting with people.
Dry January
Many people have used this year to stop drinking. Holly Ramsey (21) recently celebrated a year sober and was congratulated by her father on Instagram. What better reason. than to give up drinking to focus on your mental health, “I choose to take a break from alcohol because it wasn’t improving my mental health – which for me, comes first.” Dominic McGregor, who is a co-founder of social media agency Social Chain, is now 5 years sober after his well-documented troubles with alcohol. Not drinking alcohol also saves you lots of money! Result”
If you fancy a change to plant-based foods, then Veganuary is a great time to start! You will be able to access lots of new recipes and food in January. Nutrition and diet are key to good mental health. I have been taking vitamin supplements this year, but nothing beats getting them directly from the source. Diet is all-important to living your best life.
Red January
Whether you walk, swim, cycle or fancy some other form of exercise. Or like me have lived a rather sedentary lifestyle this year. Set your goal and enjoy support from the RED community every step, splash and pedal of the way! Exercise is great for your mental health, so why not sign up for Red January and take part? You can also raise funds for Sport in Mind, their official charity partner.
I get debilitating insomnia when I am stressed. When you don’t get enough sleep, this can have a detrimental impact on your mental health. Your resilience and ability to cope also drop. A lack of sleep is also connected to mood disorders and can be affected by bipolar, depression, anxiety, amongst many other disorders. Nothing beats getting a decent night’s sleep. So focus on making your bedroom a sanctuary, and making sleep a priority this month.

3. Get A Balanced Life Month
When I started looking at what I could kickstart this year the ‘Power of Three’. I stumbled upon ‘ Get a Balanced Life Month’, which couldn’t have been more perfect!
I lived for years with my life in absolute chaos, which may have been fun at the time, but was often exhausting and detrimental to my finances! I can be a workaholic, which is something I have to watch at times. I have been told I don’t have an ‘off-switch’, so I can overdo it, without realising until it is too late. Living with lockdowns and various restrictions has often meant that I have been confined to the home, but it’s important to establish some balance in our lives.
Getting organised
I love being organised and have calendars, financial planners and a diary to make sure that I don’t forget anything, whether work or personal. It’s so easy to forget things when you have a busy schedule. I write down people’s birthdays, and also set out my budgets for the forthcoming months. What stresses you out on a daily/weekly basis, and how can getting organised solve this problem for you?
Getting healthy
Over the last couple of years, I have spent a lot of time in my bedroom ‘shielding’. Not leaving the house for months, whilst I worked and lived out of my bedroom. This year I also spent hours alone in my bedroom, and so have lived a sedentary lifestyle for the last couple of years. So 2022 is the year I try to incorporate some exercise into my week. As well as focus on cooking for myself. I don’t crave food as I don’t have a great sense of taste or smell (not COVD-related), so I need to try to get into a healthy groove.
Getting a hobby
January is also Hobby Month! Our lives are often so busy, but do you take time out for yourself and a hobby? I love writing in this blog, but my photography is something I have put on the back burner over the last couple of years as I have hardly ventured out! This is the year I get my camera back out and start taking photos again! It’s the one time I am completely mindful. What hobby do you enjoy, and what have you done for yourself recently?
Sign up for Three Sixty with Steven Bartlett & Krissy
A new community focused on bettering your ‘THREE SIXTY’ health – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
A message from the founders is below:
Hey everyone! Steven and Krissy here 😊👋
To say we’ve been excited to launch this community is an understatement – your positivity, kind words to one another and encouragement has been truly inspiring. This is exactly why we’re here.
Just a few important notes and housekeeping tips before we start on January 1st:
Community health principles:
1. Be kind – At the heart of Three Sixty is its community, so please remember to treat everyone in this group with the kindness, respect and care that they deserve.
2. Support each other – the community is all of us – not just Steven and Krissy. That means we are all in this together. Share your tips, advice and experiences with others and support them however you can.
3. Stay engaged – community is very much a two-way thing, so get involved, participate, engage and let’s all take it upon ourselves to make this space the place we want it to be.
4. Finally, let’s build this community together. We want everyone here to invite someone to join this space that may want to improve their complete “three sixty” health in 2022. We’ve got a lot planned; world-leading experts will be stopping by, Steven and Krissy will be here every day, real-life events, free accountability tools for Three Sixty members, some great Three Sixty Merch, and some very very special surprises. Get the link to the group, share it with your Whatsapp groups, on your Instagram story and with anyone else that may want to put their Three Sixty health first this year! If you share it on IG, give us a tag so we can see ❤️
January 1st we begin, and we cannot wait!!! 👋 Read about Steven Bartlett’s appearance on the Dragon’s Den on January 6th, 9pm 2021.

Power of Three – Top Tips
I am going to start a journal to document my progress throughout the year, and list my Top 3 things to do this month. It’s important to keep track of what goals you set yourself. Make it fun! If you want to save, then give yourself a realistic goal. If you want to give up drinking, then why not count all of the money you might save, and then treat yourself with that money. I always think you should pick 3 things that are going to improve your life. Don’t focus on anything that detracts from it.
And that concludes my first Power of Three!