‘Vote This Year – Get Free Beer
UK Landlords are joining forces to encourage young people to register to vote – rewarding them with a free pint if they do!
The ‘Vote This Year – Get Free Beer’ campaign was launched by pub and bar owners in Bristol in response to the snap election held on June 8, 2017.
All you need to do is register to vote online and then take the confirmation email to one of the participating bars on the website as proof. A central system checks this so that you can’t claim more than one drink.

Joby Andrews talks to a young voter during the launch of the Vote This Year Get Free Beer campaign launch. Bristol landlords want to encourage younger and hard-to-reach individuals to vote in the upcoming elections and are today officially launching a campaign that is already being taken up by pubs across the country, with more joining every day
The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness amongst their younger customers and get them involved in the political process. “Cheers to a brighter future!” – whatever your political preference.
Cheers to a brighter future!
There is a traditionally a lower turnout in younger adults. In 2015, there appeared to be no significant increase in turnout among young people from the previous election in 2010[1]
18 to 24-year-olds are almost half as likely to vote as those aged 65+ [2].
More people didn’t vote in the last election than the total votes for any of the main parties.
Joby Andrews
Joby Andrews, from event bar specialists Refresh West and the landlord of several Bristol pubs, kickstarted this campaign.
“I was apathetic and not engaged when I was younger and didn’t vote as I didn’t see the point, but with what’s going on around the world and here in the UK these days, it seems more important than ever.
I’m motivated by this to try and get people, especially the young, to engage in what will massively affect their futures and register to vote.
If they love beer as much as I did back then, a free pint will hopefully encourage them to register, so when it comes to polling day on June 8, it’ll be much easier for them to vote and make their voice heard.”

Who’s involved?
Pubs across major cities such as Bristol, London, Liverpool and Manchester have signed up to give newly-registered voters a free drink. More are joining every day from all parts of the country.
For a full list of participating venues, take a look at the official website.
How do I claim my free beer?
1) Follow this link to register to vote; register here
2) All you need is your address and National Insurance Number. If you don’t have your NI number, get it here. If you don’t have a fixed abode, you need to do this.
3) You will receive an email back confirming you have registered. Take the email to one of the venues below. Show it to the bartender to claim your free drink.
www.votethisyeargetfreebeer.co.uk to find out more.