Broke Girl’s Survival Guide to Blue Monday
Blue Monday – coined the most depressing day of the year – always falls on the third Monday of the New Year.
Mondays can always be tough, but when you are broke after Christmas and New Year, and it’s cold outside. It’s difficult to feel motivated to do anything. So I have pulled together a survival guide to Blue Monday.
What is Blue Monday?
The concept of Blue Monday was actually a marketing ploy dreamed up by Sky Travel in a bid to boost summer holiday bookings. Dr Cliff Arnall devised a formula to determine the most depressing day of the year and, therefore, the best day to book a summer holiday. It takes into account variables such as weather conditions, debt, the end of Christmas, failed New Year’s Resolutions and general low motivation levels.

Broke Girl in the City’s Survival Guide to Blue Monday
It’s not always easy to feel positive and fabulous when feeling blue. So here are some top tips on how to get through this Blue Monday!
I thought it important to mention. There is a massive difference between a day that is ‘depressing’ and ‘depression’. If you need support, it doesn’t matter what day it is. Get the support you need.

Blast your music (loud)
Nothing beats playing your favourite tunes in the morning to feel good. I am someone who constantly hits snooze, but on Blue Monday, let’s get out of bed and put the music straight on! Unforgettable by French Montana feat. Swae Lee is my number one feel-good song at the moment.
According to an article by Loop, loud music reduces stress. This is due to the fact that ‘found in the inner ear is the sacculus (pronounced as sack-you-less) that has direct connections to pleasure centres in the brain. When stimulated by loud music, it releases endorphins, so listening to loud music is essentially self-medicating. Also, ‘getting chills when listening to music is called frisson (pronounced like free-son), and it happens when dopamine floods the body.’
Go out for lunch.
Everyone is broke, but there are always deals around the city. No one is drinking this Dry January, which will keep costs down. Don’t spend your lunch hour at the desk. Get out! Connect with your colleagues after the weekend. Check out our article on the CityMunch app for inspiration.
New Year. New You
Create a mood board or Pinterest board with ideas for the forthcoming year. What would you like to do? Where would you like to go? Keep a journal with all of your thoughts and hopes for this year. It’s a New Year. New You!
Start a gratitude diary.
I bought my friend Amber and me a gratitude diary to kickstart the year. You can buy your own from Amazon (Ad. This link contains affiliate links). Start With Gratitude: Daily Gratitude Journal | Positivity Diary for a Happier You in Just 5 Minutes a Day

Pamper Evening
Have a bubble bath and relax. Nothing feels better than a lovely, clean, cosy bed to snuggle up in afterwards. Prepare it the night before so you can dive in after work. A good night’s sleep will also help get rid of those blues.
Phone a friend
Phone your best friend for a natter or someone you haven’t spoken to in ages. Don’t feel you are alone today. Make time for your other half/ housemates/ friends/ family.
Top 10 Films to get through Blue Monday
Nothing beats a good, feel-good film to make you happier. Grab your housemate/other half/friend, or curl up in bed by yourself with a great film of your choice.
Check out our Top Blue Monday 10 films guide with our recommendations to get through Blue Monday. Let us know which film makes you feel good in the comments below.

Suffering from depression?
Mental health charities are keen to stress that for those suffering from depression, this is something that affects people all year around. Blue Monday may be coined the most depressing day of the year, but feeling blue is completely different from suffering from depression. Do take time out for yourself, but for any of you who are genuinely suffering from depression, please do seek the support of those around you and, if you need it – professional help. Remember, you are not alone.
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