Broke Girl in the City – The beginning
I started Broke Girl in the City just after the Brexit Vote. I lost my job that day. So rather than feel sorry for myself. I started a blog – finally.
I had this idea for years – ever since Sex in the City first came out. I wanted to submit the idea to Cosmopolitan magazine but was lost in a world of partying (when would I ever stay in and write?) and self-doubt (was I really that good a writer?).
So, even though people had told me to start a blog ten years ago, I thought I would finally start writing. That’s all I had ever wanted to do. It was either ‘now or never’. So, I used this blog as an anchor during a rather tumultuous period and as a creative outlet.
The premise for the blog? How to have an amazing time in the city WHATEVER YOUR FINANCES.

Blogging life
Blogging is quite a solitary pass-time. You spend hours on your own writing. That’s before you start photography and video editing.
As much as I should have started a blog all of those years ago before the internet was awash with others. I was not very good at staying in. At all.
So, I decided I was finally ready to embrace blogging, sharing ideas and a guide to London.

Personal Finance
Soon after Broke Girl in the City started, I found my tribe and joined the UK Money Bloggers. Set up by Andy (Be Clever with Your Cash.com). I found a community of money bloggers passing on top tips on various topics to help others. So I decided to pass on top tips for enjoying London and speak about Debt and Money. Something pre-Covid, I considered to be one of the last Taboos. I thought I would speak about my personal experiences. I was invited to talk with Laura Whitmore on BBC Radio 5 Live about my experiences and comments on finances throughout COVID-19.

Mental Health Awareness
On one hand, I wanted Broke Girl in the City to be a rather tongue-in-cheek- fun way of showing you how to have an amazing time in the city with next to no money, as I had proved during my time in London.
I also wanted to speak about mental health and other issues that may affect us all. I initially wanted to create a community of like-minded people who could share ideas and advice on thriving, not just surviving in the city. As time passed, I have covered many Mental Health Topics and how that affects our relationship with money and vice versa.

Bloggers wanted
If anyone would like to contribute to Broke Girl in the City, please get in touch! My blog is PR-friendly and open to other bloggers who want to write.

It’s never too late to be who you might have been
George Eliot