
Interview with musician Sucker from South London


4AM is the highly anticipated debut single by 20-year-old south London singer/songwriter Sucker.

There’s nothing like a woman with something to get off her chest, and Sucker has a diary-full. Pulling influences from artists ranging from Taylor Swift to Depeche Mode, it is her hauntingly beautiful vocals and unapologetically honest lyrics that enchant her listeners and keep them coming back for more.

It’s an ode to making bad decisions to prevent yourself from making even worse decisions, and living every moment in the ultimate unsociable hour, 4 AM, to prevent anybody from stopping you. The single was inspired by a 3-day bout of insomnia in July 2020, where she would sit at her kitchen table and overthink, until looking over at the clock and realising another night had slipped away. Sonically, 4 AM is influenced by artists like Jack White and Fiona Apple.


Sucker is a 20-year-old musician from South London

Hailing from the same small stomping ground where artists like David Bowie and Siouxie Sioux first began to take the world by storm. Citing influence from a wide variety of artists, such as Depeche Mode, Taylor Swift, Ultravox, Audioslave, Jensen McRae and Halsey, she is an exciting new artist emerging from an increasingly genreless world of music. With compelling vocals and razor-sharp songwriting, Sucker is perfectly poised to become your new favourite artist.

…she is an exciting new artist emerging from an increasingly genreless world of music. With compellng vocals and razor sharp songwriting, Sucker is perfectly poised to become your new favourite artist”

Entertainment Now

Interview Questions:

1. You have just released your debut single 4AM. An ode to making bad decisions and being awake at 4am. Can you tell us more about it?

Sure! It was written mid-2020 when there was literally nothing to do apart from sitting in your house and getting in your own head. It was also the first song I’d ever written that I could hear playing on the radio. 

2. I am an overthinker and have bouts of insomnia, which means I am often awake at 4am! Talk us through how this inspired your new single?

Insomnia actually played a pretty huge part in this song! I spent almost a week unable to sleep, and initially filling up the hours by obsessing over a recent breakup, what I could’ve done differently, how I could’ve changed things. I then realised how unhealthy that was, and thought “I know how I’m gonna fix this! Binge drinking!” and because it was 4 am, there was nobody to point out that that was like… the worst idea ever. 

3. How would you describe your music style to someone?

It’s tricky, I tend to chop and change my style depending on the visceral feeling I want people to have when they hear my songs. I’m not overly bothered by genres or styles, as long as you can properly feel the song. 

4. Can you tell us about your music background and who influenced you?

Growing up I was exposed to pretty much every artist under the sun by my parents and took grains of inspiration from all of them. There’s no one particular style or artist that influenced me, but I do really love everything about New Romantic bands like Adam & The Ants and Depeche Mode! 

5. How would you describe yourself?

Someone who simultaneously wants to be liked by everyone all the time and appear nonchalant and devil-may-care. 

6. What has it been like growing up in South London, and how did that affect your music?

 I love South London with all my heart, and I think everyone else is just about starting to realise what a gem it is. I just hope that new love isn’t fully dependent on gentrification, because that defeats the entire point! Growing up there is a weird juxtaposition of assuming your hometown must be known for the abundance of culture, community, music and street art, and then hearing outsider assumptions, usually from people who’ve never gone further south than Highgate. 

7. You are a new artist. What has working through the past two years been like for you?

 It’s been strange. I’ve spent a lot of time writing, trying to become a better guitarist, teaching myself piano, recording songs; but I’d say I’ve spent an equal amount of time, if not more, staring at my bedroom ceiling, scrolling through my phone until my eyes are bloodshot and stinging, and stressing about my life. 

8. What are your favourite things about the city?

I could write an endless list of things I love about it, but more than anything it’s that there’s a place for everyone. Every passion, counterculture, the community has a home in London. 

9. What is your top tip for living your best life?

Always buy the Barista versions of non-dairy milk. ALWAYS. 

10. What are your plans and ambitions for the future?

Releasing more music, making some music videos, playing shows, hopefully! I’d absolutely love to go on tour at some point, but I should probably have more than one song out to do that! 

Instagram: @suckerofficial | Twitter: @iamsuckeriam | Linktree