Goodbye, 2018. Hello, 2019.
I have created a secret category for Broke Girl in the City – my own personal blog. You can’t reach it from the main menu. However, it does appear in the Categories section should you spot it. I will share with you plans for this blog, updates and musings on living in the city. If you have any feedback on this blog, please do let me know!

Broke Girl in the City – Top Nine
I have re-created my Happy New Year blog to introduce this category. It’s funny how my #Blogmas ‘How to Survive a Hangover’ featured in my Top 9 Instagram pics of the year.
2018 highlights included featuring the poetry of R.H.Sin and his wife Samantha Holmes, who I adore. I loved visiting an art exhibition of Marilyn Monroe, celebrating the Royal Wedding with friends, drinking at House Festival and the birthday party for my lovely friend Laura Whitmore.
I even got to spend my first-ever summer visiting Stephen Bailey in Edinburgh. Something I had been promising him for years! We had so much fun.

2018 – A defining year
In the words of Ariana Grande, “I find it interesting that this has been one of the best years of my career and the worst of my life.”
My new job took me to Copenhagen for the first time. I met some amazing people and had some amazing times. However, the year was overshadowed by the passing of my best friend Tracy.
2019 – A New Year
Saying goodbye to 2018 was tinged with sadness as I couldn’t ring a certain someone over the Christmas and New Year period.
Having spent a lovely week back in Bournemouth with family. I returned to London for New Year. It was great seeing Stacey Tooley reunited with Joe Suggs as the countdown to New Year began.

New Year, New You
The one exciting things about starting a new year is thinking of all the opportunities and possibilities the year holds.
Christmas has been a struggle for many people, mentally, emotionally or financially. So I am dedicating January’s blog posts to inspiring a new you.
For everyone else who had an amazing year in 2018! Go you! Keep going. I hope 2019 is an even more exciting year for you.
In January 2017, I decided to start this blog. Ten years in the making, I thought it was better to start than regret it. So here it is.
Hoping 2019 will bring you much happiness and fulfilment.
Broke Girl in the City xoxo